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House Social System

At Graceland, inclusivity and belonging aren’t just words, they’re actions. A huge part of our dedication to these values comes from our unique house system.

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Connection from Day One

The Graceland house system combines on-campus housing and student government to create an instant community for all our first-year students — and that community continues through graduation and beyond. Although each house is unique, they all focus on the same things: coming together, having fun, and making your voice heard in your campus community.

  • Each floor of our residence halls is separated into different houses that have their own name, symbol, colors and traditions.
  • Every student is assigned to a house starting their first year, and they remain a member of their house through graduation.
  • There are, on average, 45 students per house.
  • Each house elects a president, who helps to lead and unite all house members.
  • Members of the house elect six students, known as the house council, to hold key leadership positions and plan social, intramural, diversity and religious events and activities.
  • Every house has a diversity representative.
  • House meetings are held once a week.
  • Although participation in house activities is completely voluntary, the house system is a favorite with Graceland students.

Four Residence Halls. Seventeen Houses. One Graceland.

Check out the different houses and what makes each of them unique.


Agape = one of several Greek words for love, represents brotherhood to house members

Men’s house

Established 1962


Amici = inspired by the Latin and Italian words for friends

Women's house

Established 1985


Aponivi = Native American Hopi for “Where the wind blows down the gap,” chosen because of the Community of Christ Lamanite heritage

Women's house

Established 1979


Cheville = named for Roy A. Cheville, Graceland graduate and history, religion and social science professor from 1923-60

Men's house

Established 1965


Closson = named for Eugene E. Closson, Graceland graduate and history, psychology and social science professor from 1931-59

Men's house

Established 1962


Faunce = named for Roscoe O. Faunce, Graceland graduate and drama and speech professor from 1934-60

Men's house

Established 1962


Hanthorne = named for Cleo Hanthorne Moon, Graceland librarian and professor between 1935 and 1969

Women's house

Established 1994


Khiyah = inspired by the Hebrew name for "Mother Earth"

Women's house

Established 1994

McKevit Manor

McKevit Manor = named for Margaret L. McKevit, Graceland graduate and nursing professor in the 1960s, helped develop Graceland’s nursing program

School of Nursing house

Established 1970


Orion = named for the constellation also known as "the Hunter"

Men's house

Established 1985


Paloma = Spanish for “dove"

Women's house

Established 1966


Powell = named for Thomas L. Powell, Graceland vice president for Student Life and dean of students from 1984-2010

Men's house

Established 2013


Sariah = named for wife of Lehi and mother of Nephi in the Book of Mormon

Women's house

Established 1962


Shalom = Hebrew for "peace"

Women's house

Established 1962


Solah = acronym for sisterhood of love and honor

Women's house

Established 1962

Stewart Manor

Stewart Manor = named for Rolland M. Stewart, Graceland’s first vice president and third president from 1904-08, known for his support to the development of campus life

Men's house

Established 1962


Tiona = Tahitian for "Zion," which was used for a 19th century Tahitian RLDS Church branch and reunion grounds in Australia

Men's house

Established 2013

Our House Inclusion Philosophy

Everyone who is here belongs here just because they are here, and for no other reason. This is our rule. It depends on nothing else. Nothing changes it.

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The unique Graceland House system is designed to cultivate community and immediately provide a safe space with close friends for each incoming student.
Graceland's Unique House System Your Home Away from Home
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A Day in the Life
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