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The Center for Innovation in Ministry and Mission (CIMM) presents live classes exploring theology, culture, and Community of Christ Identity, Mission, Message, and Beliefs in “bite-sized” sessions. These no-cost live sessions will take place most Wednesdays at 7 p.m. CST.

These classes can be used as discussion starters in adult classes or for personal spiritual/educational development.


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Class Schedule

2024 Adult Reunion Materials – Katie – Rick Bunch (Andrew Fellows/Michelle McGraff/Emily Rose/Shandra) “Heal the Earth: A Restoration Imperative”


  • 04 – Leading Worship into the Future (Part 1) – Daniel Harmon
  • 11 – Listening with the Lectionary (Oct/Nov) – Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith
  • 18 – Leading Worship into the Future (Part 2) – Karin Peter
  • 25 – (TBA)


  • 02 – Star Trek Community – Star Trek Community
  • 09 – (TBA)
  • 16 – How Theology Influences Personal Politics – (TBA)
  • 23 – Living Peacefully in a Divided Political World – (TBA)
  • 30 – Listening with the Lectionary (Dec/Jan) – Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith


  • 06 – “God All Around” – Linda Booth
  • 13 – Spiritual Practices for the Unspiritual (TBA)
  • 20 – Sundays Without Sermons (TBA)
  • 27 – Children Ministry (TBA)


  • 04 – (TBA)
  • 11 – Linda Stanbridge – Becoming a Prophetic People
  • 18 – (TBA)


  • 08 – Listening with the Lectionary (Feb/March) – Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith

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CIMM Session Recordings

You can also access archived classes on our YouTube Channel.