Important Instructions
Shaw Family Auditorium
SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 2025 @ 6:30 p.m.
All candidates for graduation will assemble in the in the lobby of the Shaw Center at 6 p.m.
Graduates with last names that begin with A-L will assemble in the north corridor and M-Z in the south corridor. Proper attire will include mortarboards (caps) and gowns with appropriate dress clothes. You are encouraged to press your gown with a very cool iron. Special instructions for marching, standing and handling mortarboards will be given in your assembly group. PLEASE BE PROMPT.
Morden Center
SUNDAY, April 27, 2025 @ 10 a.m.
Candidates for graduation will assemble in the lobby of the Shaw Center at 9 a.m.
- 9-9:25 a.m. – You must check-in with the Registrar staff in the Shaw Center lobby to receive a card with your name on it that is given to David Schaal, Vice President for Student Life, when crossing the stage during the ceremony. Check-in must be completed by 9:25 a.m.
- 9:30 a.m. – The Student Marshals will begin giving instructions promptly at 9:30 a.m. in the Shaw Family Auditorium, PLEASE BE PROMPT!
- 9:45 a.m. – The Student Marshals will lead you to the Morden Center for final lineup behind the bleachers. All candidates will sit or rise with the Student Marshals. Seating for the candidates for graduation is reserved, and the number of seats in each row is carefully counted to ensure all candidates have a seat. Please follow the instructions of the Student Marshals to finish each row before starting a new row. Disregarding these instructions could cause a miscount and result in someone else losing a seat!
Proper attire will include business professional dress with the appropriate graduation regalia: caps and gowns. Extra decoration on gowns is not allowed with the exception of approved honor cords or international sashes. Tasteful, appropriate decoration on mortarboards is allowed, but profanity (even implied) will not be permitted. Mortarboard decoration should not impede the view of other attendees.
Please rise and be seated as directed during the ceremony. It is not necessary that you sit in any particular order. All candidates will be asked to rise for the conferring of degrees. You will then move as directed with your card, handing it to David Schaal as you cross the stage area. You will receive your empty diploma cover and return to your seat. The Registrar’s Office will conduct an audit of your graduation requirements after final grades are posted. If complete, your diploma will be mailed to you shortly thereafter.
When exiting the stage, take care that the sleeve of your gown does not catch on the handrail, causing you to fall. A Student Marshal will be there to assist.
Following the ceremony, exit well past the Morden Center toward the Administration Building, to leave room for others behind you who are also trying to exit.
All guest seating is first-come, first-served. Those in need of special seating accommodations should enter Morden Center through the front or rear doors and ask an usher for assistance.
A professional photographer will be taking photos of each graduate who crosses the stage during the ceremony. The photographer will email information directly to you for your convenience in ordering.
Live Video Streaming
Parents and families will be able to watch the Commencement ceremony live (and on-demand) by going to