The Postgraduate Certificate program enlarges the focus of nursing, using as its foundation the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree. Students admitted to the Postgraduate certificate program are not matriculated for a graduate degree. A certificate is received upon completion of the coursework and graduates are eligible to sit for national certification/credentialing exams. The Postgraduate certificate program is primarily provided via the internet. It is designed to allow practicing RNs to pursue further graduate work within their home community. Students complete the requirements for certification through a combination of online courses and preceptor guided practicums in the student s community. All students are required to attend a focus session at the Independence campus.
The AGACNP concentration focuses on preparing nurses to perform in the expanded APN role caring for adult & gerontology populations in acute and chronic care settings. The student’s area of study incorporates a blend of theory and research with an emphasis on guided practice in clinical areas. The curriculum builds on the core master’s courses with the addition of essential FNP courses. All didactic and clinical courses are planned following the guidelines of the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) to meet the requirements for national certification.
To qualify for a postgraduate certificate, each candidate must have:
Focuses on preparing the MSN and post-graduate certificate student to be successful in an online graduate program of study. Includes mandatory completion of selected tutorials, review of academic policies, pre-clinical HIPAA and Standard Precaution requirements, and participation in pre-scheduled Live Chat sessions. Information related to university resources and services available to support successful progression and completion of the selected program of study is provided. Successful completion within the first term of enrollment is required for progression in the selected program of study. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)
Provides the graduate advanced practice nursing student foundational knowledge and application of pharmacotherapeutics to meet the health care needs of clients, from childhood through the older years. Content focuses on the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and provides an overview of selected therapeutic drug classes and complementary/alternative treatments, which allows students to evaluate client situations and determine therapy within the context of the overall treatment plan. Prerequisite: NURS5440.
Builds on health assessment skills developed during the professional nurses basic educational program. The course teaches students how to obtain a comprehensive assessment and use this information to develop and/or evaluate evidence based treatment plans for diverse patients with common acute and chronic health problems. Emphasis is placed on the process of clinical/diagnostic reasoning to enable the student to identify problems and make accurate diagnoses. The use of technology and electronic medical records are important components of this course.
Focuses on skill development in diagnostic and treatment modalities utilized in acute & critical care settings. Content includes fluid replacement, hemodynamic monitoring, defibrillation, ventilation. Analysis of relevant laboratory data and interpretation of radiographs and ECGs. Laboratory practice will include procedures such as suturing, intubation, line insertion. Pre-requisites: NURS5440, NURS5100.
Focuses on assessment of selected advanced practice competencies during a mandatory, face-to-face focus session (24 hours competency skills lab) held at the Independence Campus during Week 6. Graded on Pass/Fail basis. Prerequisite: NURS5192.
Focuses on comprehensive care of adult-gerontology (AG) populations. Examines common acute and chronic health problems using a body system scheme and a physical, emotional, psychosocial, spiritual, intellectual and cultural approach. Advanced pathophysiology, assessment and diagnostic strategies, and evidence based-practice specific to common acute and chronic conditions are emphasized. Prerequisites: NURS5100, NURS5143.
Focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of acute/critical health alterations. Emphasis is on the most common and highest acuity of cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and orthopedic/mobility disorders. Nursing strategies to restore, maintain and enhance health are emphasized. Prerequisites: NURS5270.
NURS5290 Acute Care of Adult-Gerontology Populations II 3 s.h. Focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of acute/critical health alterations. Emphasis is on the most common and highest acuity of neurologic, hematology/oncology, GI/GU and rheumatic disorders. Nursing strategies to restore, maintain and enhance health are emphasized. Prerequisites: NURS5280.
Provides the graduate nursing student with a well-grounded understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanisms of disease to serve as a foundation for clinical assessment, decision making, and management. Content focuses on etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical presentation of selected altered health states across the lifespan.
Focuses on the development and application of knowledge and skill in the advanced practice role under the direct supervision of an approved preceptor in a practice setting. Management of chronic health problems of AG populations is emphasized. Develops skills for collaboration with multidisciplinary teams and effective utilization of community resources. (225 practice hours) 1 didactic/3 clinical) Prerequisite: NURS5280, Corequisite: NURS5290.
Focuses on the development and application of knowledge and skill in the advanced practice role under the direct supervision of an approved preceptor in a practice setting. Management of acute health problems of AG populations is emphasized. Develops skills for collaboration with multidisciplinary teams and effective utilization of community resources. (225 practice hours) 1 didactice/3 clinical) Prerequisite: NURS5450.
Focuses on integration, application and development in the advanced practice role under the direct supervision of an approved preceptor in a practice setting. Comprehensive management of acute and chronic health problems is emphasized. Develops skills for collaboration with multidisciplinary teams and effective utilization of community resources. (300 practice hours) 1 didactic/4 clinical) Prerequisites: NURS5460.
Exploration, development and implementation of advanced roles for nurses. Emphasis will be placed on the standards of practice, requirements for, regulation of, and socialization into advanced nursing roles. Students will use critical thinking skills to examine barriers and opportunities for nurses in advanced roles and propose a plan for transitioning into their new role. Encourages leadership roles and fostering of collaboration with other disciplines to improve health care outcomes. Promotes the use of scientific inquiry, evidence-based practice, and joining professional organizations to influence advanced nursing practice and enhance health care outcomes of a population focus. Emphasis on the organization of health care delivery systems, health care finance, health care policy, and ethical and legislative issues affecting health care planning and delivery of accessible, affordable, and quality care to multicultural groups in complex settings. Sociopolitical and legal issues will be examined as they impact the formation of policies and the nursing profession.
Focuses on preparing the MSN and post-graduate certificate student to be successful in an online graduate program of study. Includes mandatory completion of selected tutorials, review of academic policies, pre-clinical HIPAA and Standard Precaution requirements, and participation in pre-scheduled Live Chat sessions. Information related to university resources and services available to support successful progression and completion of the selected program of study is provided. Successful completion within the first term of enrollment is required for progression in the selected program of study. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)
Provides the graduate advanced practice nursing student foundational knowledge and application of pharmacotherapeutics to meet the health care needs of clients, from childhood through the older years. Content focuses on the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and provides an overview of selected therapeutic drug classes and complementary/alternative treatments, which allows students to evaluate client situations and determine therapy within the context of the overall treatment plan. Prerequisite: NURS5440.
Builds on health assessment skills developed during the professional nurses basic educational program. The course teaches students how to obtain a comprehensive assessment and use this information to develop and/or evaluate evidence based treatment plans for diverse patients with common acute and chronic health problems. Emphasis is placed on the process of clinical/diagnostic reasoning to enable the student to identify problems and make accurate diagnoses. The use of technology and electronic medical records are important components of this course.
Focuses on skill development in diagnostic and treatment modalities utilized in acute & critical care settings. Content includes fluid replacement, hemodynamic monitoring, defibrillation, ventilation. Analysis of relevant laboratory data and interpretation of radiographs and ECGs. Laboratory practice will include procedures such as suturing, intubation, line insertion. Pre-requisites: NURS5440, NURS5100.
Focuses on assessment of selected advanced practice competencies during a mandatory, face-to-face focus session (24 hours competency skills lab) held at the Independence Campus during Week 6. Graded on Pass/Fail basis. Prerequisite: NURS5192.
Focuses on comprehensive care of adult-gerontology (AG) populations. Examines common acute and chronic health problems using a body system scheme and a physical, emotional, psychosocial, spiritual, intellectual and cultural approach. Advanced pathophysiology, assessment and diagnostic strategies, and evidence based-practice specific to common acute and chronic conditions are emphasized. Prerequisites: NURS5100, NURS5143.
Focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of acute/critical health alterations. Emphasis is on the most common and highest acuity of cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and orthopedic/mobility disorders. Nursing strategies to restore, maintain and enhance health are emphasized. Prerequisites: NURS5270.
NURS5290 Acute Care of Adult-Gerontology Populations II 3 s.h. Focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of acute/critical health alterations. Emphasis is on the most common and highest acuity of neurologic, hematology/oncology, GI/GU and rheumatic disorders. Nursing strategies to restore, maintain and enhance health are emphasized. Prerequisites: NURS5280.
Provides the graduate nursing student with a well-grounded understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanisms of disease to serve as a foundation for clinical assessment, decision making, and management. Content focuses on etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical presentation of selected altered health states across the lifespan.
Focuses on the development and application of knowledge and skill in the advanced practice role under the direct supervision of an approved preceptor in a practice setting. Management of chronic health problems of AG populations is emphasized. Develops skills for collaboration with multidisciplinary teams and effective utilization of community resources. (225 practice hours) 1 didactic/3 clinical) Prerequisite: NURS5280, Corequisite: NURS5290.
Focuses on the development and application of knowledge and skill in the advanced practice role under the direct supervision of an approved preceptor in a practice setting. Management of acute health problems of AG populations is emphasized. Develops skills for collaboration with multidisciplinary teams and effective utilization of community resources. (225 practice hours) 1 didactice/3 clinical) Prerequisite: NURS5450.
Focuses on integration, application and development in the advanced practice role under the direct supervision of an approved preceptor in a practice setting. Comprehensive management of acute and chronic health problems is emphasized. Develops skills for collaboration with multidisciplinary teams and effective utilization of community resources. (300 practice hours) 1 didactic/4 clinical) Prerequisites: NURS5460.
Exploration, development and implementation of advanced roles for nurses. Emphasis will be placed on the standards of practice, requirements for, regulation of, and socialization into advanced nursing roles. Students will use critical thinking skills to examine barriers and opportunities for nurses in advanced roles and propose a plan for transitioning into their new role. Encourages leadership roles and fostering of collaboration with other disciplines to improve health care outcomes. Promotes the use of scientific inquiry, evidence-based practice, and joining professional organizations to influence advanced nursing practice and enhance health care outcomes of a population focus. Emphasis on the organization of health care delivery systems, health care finance, health care policy, and ethical and legislative issues affecting health care planning and delivery of accessible, affordable, and quality care to multicultural groups in complex settings. Sociopolitical and legal issues will be examined as they impact the formation of policies and the nursing profession.
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