The Postgraduate Certificate program enlarges the focus of nursing, using as its foundation the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree. Students admitted to the Postgraduate certificate program are not matriculated for a graduate degree. A certificate is received upon completion of the coursework and graduates are eligible to sit for national certification/credentialing exams. The Postgraduate certificate program is primarily provided via the internet. It is designed to allow practicing RNs to pursue further graduate work within their home community. Students complete the requirements for certification through a combination of online courses and preceptor guided practicums in the student s community. All students are required to attend a focus session at the Independence campus.
To qualify for a postgraduate certificate, each candidate must have:
The Postgraduate Nurse Educator certificate program is a graduate level program designed for persons who already possess a Master’s degree in Nursing and are interested in enhancing their knowledge base and skills to teach adults in a collegiate or health care setting. Students admitted to the Postgraduate NE program are not matriculated for a graduate degree. A certificate in Nursing Education is awarded upon completion. The Postgraduate Nurse Educator Certificate Program requires completion of 4 courses for a minimum of 12 hours. All four courses are online. A certificate is received upon completion of the coursework and students are eligible to sit for the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) certification exam.
Focuses on preparing the MSN and post-graduate certificate student to be successful in an online graduate program of study. Includes mandatory completion of selected tutorials, review of academic policies, pre-clinical HIPAA and Standard Precaution requirements, and participation in pre-scheduled Live Chat sessions. Information related to university resources and services available to support successful progression and completion of the selected program of study is provided. Successful completion within the first term of enrollment is required for progression in the selected program of study. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)
This course focuses on socialization into the role of nurse educator in the online environment. Students will use critical thinking skills to examine barriers and opportunities for faculty and students in an online course. An emphasis is placed on the most effective teaching/learning practices faculty use in online teaching.
Focuses on how human learning occurs, factors that influence learning, and use of teaching strategies based on learning theories. Emphasis is based on the application of theoretical principles, instructional methods, and research findings that support improved student learning.
Focuses on academic assessment, measurement, testing, and evaluation in nursing education and preparation of nurse educators for carrying out these activities as part of their role. Learning principles, qualities of effective measurement instruments, construction and use of teacher-made tests, use of standardized tests, test interpretation, and assessment of higher level cognitive skills and learning will be examined. The differences between instructional assessment, curriculum-based measurement, criterion-referenced and norm-referenced testing, clinical performance evaluation, and the social, ethical and legal ramifications of testing are integral components of this course.
Focuses on the principles of curriculum development, implementation and evaluation. Emphasis is placed on curriculum organizing frameworks, goals and outcomes, planning, design, and implementation strategies, evaluation, and revision. Students will construct a mini-curriculum and evaluate curriculum systematic evaluation plans as part of the requirements for this course.
Focuses on preparing the MSN and post-graduate certificate student to be successful in an online graduate program of study. Includes mandatory completion of selected tutorials, review of academic policies, pre-clinical HIPAA and Standard Precaution requirements, and participation in pre-scheduled Live Chat sessions. Information related to university resources and services available to support successful progression and completion of the selected program of study is provided. Successful completion within the first term of enrollment is required for progression in the selected program of study. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)
This course focuses on socialization into the role of nurse educator in the online environment. Students will use critical thinking skills to examine barriers and opportunities for faculty and students in an online course. An emphasis is placed on the most effective teaching/learning practices faculty use in online teaching.
Focuses on how human learning occurs, factors that influence learning, and use of teaching strategies based on learning theories. Emphasis is based on the application of theoretical principles, instructional methods, and research findings that support improved student learning.
Focuses on academic assessment, measurement, testing, and evaluation in nursing education and preparation of nurse educators for carrying out these activities as part of their role. Learning principles, qualities of effective measurement instruments, construction and use of teacher-made tests, use of standardized tests, test interpretation, and assessment of higher level cognitive skills and learning will be examined. The differences between instructional assessment, curriculum-based measurement, criterion-referenced and norm-referenced testing, clinical performance evaluation, and the social, ethical and legal ramifications of testing are integral components of this course.
Focuses on the principles of curriculum development, implementation and evaluation. Emphasis is placed on curriculum organizing frameworks, goals and outcomes, planning, design, and implementation strategies, evaluation, and revision. Students will construct a mini-curriculum and evaluate curriculum systematic evaluation plans as part of the requirements for this course.
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