Each student is assigned an academic advisor who is available for help in planning an academic program. The academic advisor will give advice and information, but the final responsibility for planning a schedule that will meet graduation requirements rests with the student.
Freshmen may take courses numbered from 1000 to 1999. Sophomores may take courses numbered up to 2999. Juniors and seniors may take courses numbered up to 4999. (Students who have at least a 2.50 college grade point average may enroll in a course(s) one level above their classification; entering freshmen may enroll in sophomore- level courses if their high school GPA is 2.80 or higher).
Juniors and Seniors enrolled in programs on the Lamoni campus may register for classes using the online registration system through “My Graceland” until the first day of classes. Freshmen and Sophomores must first see their academic advisors for registration clearance to use the system. It is strongly recommended that all students meet with their advisors to review their course selection, academic requirements, and graduation plans.
Students who are not in good standing, not making satisfactory progress, or who earned less than a 2.00 grade point average in the previous semester are required to review their schedules with their advisors before enrolling for the next semester.
Beginning the first day of classes, completion of a Change of Registration (Add/Drop) Form, with appropriate approvals is required.
Refunds in courses for which special tuition is charged will be based on the date the change of registration is completed.
Students may add a course during the first 13% of the session with the instructor’s consent and may withdraw without penalty from a course during the first 60% of the session. Withdrawing from a course during the first 13% of the session results in a drop. A grade of “WD” is recorded for any course withdraw between 13% and 60% of the session. After 60% of the session, the student is not allowed to withdraw from the course, and will be awarded the appropriate grade in the course.
Deadline dates for adding Individual Study, Arranged Courses, Honors Contracts, and Internships/Practicums follow a modified schedule. Individual Study, Arranged Courses, and Honors Contracts may be added as long as the addition precedes the end of the semester by three weeks for each semester hour of credit. Internships/Practicums may be added at any time during the session, as long as the experience has not started before an approved Internship/Practicum form is submitted to the Registrar.
Graceland students may add a 1-3 hour internship to the fall schedule to allow an internship experience to take place while the student is away from campus over winter break. The student will be allowed to register without the usual petition approval required for exceeding the 18-hour max limit.
Deadlines for adding and/or dropping courses offered in educational programs that are not taught on the normal semester schedule usually differ. Contact the Registrar in the F.M. Smith Library on the Lamoni, IA, campus for this information or view the Academic Calendar (Trimester) in My Graceland.