Table of Contents:
System of Grading
Auditing of Courses
Changing a Course Grade
Courses Repeated
Graduate Level-Topics Course
Incomplete Grades
Student Appeal of Final Grade
System of Grading
There is an enormous difference between the learning of the best and poorest college student. In assigning grades, this difference is indicated by five groupings, one letter grade being assigned to each group. It is obvious that wide differences may still exist between the learning of two students who receive the same grade in the same course.
A letter grade is, therefore, to be thought of as a rough index of a quality of learning rather than as an accurate and exact measure of learning.
The marks used at Graceland University to indicate grades and the grade points for each semester hour of credit are as follows:
A – 4 grade points. Thorough mastery of subject, and disposition and ability to apply it to complex and unfamiliar situations.
B – 3 grade points. Demonstrated competence in subject matter mastery and clearly above-average ability to handle familiar to somewhat complex problems in the field.
C – 2 grade points. Effective learning and the development of the skill necessary to handle the familiar and less complex problems in the field.
D – 1 grade point. Limited ability to see relationships and to make applications except as specifically directed. Lowest passing grade for admission to the next dependent course.
F – No grade points. Course must be repeated for admission to dependent course(s).
P – Pass, C or better.
I – Incomplete, no grade points. Minimum course requirements unfinished for reasons acceptable to the instructor. Incomplete grades must be initiated by the student. An “Incomplete Grade Contract”, signed by the student and the instructor, is required before an Incomplete can be recorded. Grade given at the discretion of the instructor at completion of the work (see Removal of Incompletes).
In-Progress, no grade points.
NR – Not Recorded, no grade points.
W or WD – Withdrawn from the course at a specified date.
(table of contents)