Decoration Graphic

Learning Outcome Five: Knowledge of Human Cultures – Arts
Students will be able to apply knowledge and methodologies from diverse fields (arts, humanities, social science, and histories) to explain, analyze and reflect upon human experiences. This involves the ability to identify patterns in human behaviors and cultures, noting commonalities and differences and the ability to creatively produce works that synthesize these concepts.

  • 3 s.h. Arts from list of courses approved for this outcome by the Essential Education Committee
    Sustainability Theme
    ARTS1230 Drawing
    ARTS2300 Art History Survey: Ancient to Medieval
    ARTS3240 Eco Art and Ceramics
    MUSC1270 Music and the Environment
    Equality and Peace Theme
    ARTS2240 Art and Social Practice
    ARTS2390 History of Graphic Design
    ARTS2400 Ethics, Politics, and Controversy in Art
    ARTS3100 Modern to Contemporary Art History
    MUSC2350 Musics of the World
    MUSC3340 Musical Citizenship: Artistic Activism and Social Justice
    THTR1200 Introduction to Theatre
    Innovation Theme
    ARTS1210 2-D Design
    ARTS1220 3-D Design
    ARTS1250 Creativity, Innovation & Change
    ARTS2310 Art History Survey: Renaissance to Modern
    ARTS3200 The Printed Image
    MUSC2360 Jazz History
    THTR1220 Beginning Acting


Approved course descriptions:

ARTS1210 2-D Design 3 s.h.
Introduction to the visual arts which explores the elements of art and principles of 2-D design while focusing on creativity, idea development, formal criticism, and the understanding of visual language. Through the use of various media, tools, materials, and processes, emphasis will be placed on comprehending contemporary art, non-literal visual problem solving and presentation. Additional fee required. Goal 2A, ELO5 Arts – Innovation

ARTS1220 3-D Design
Introduction to the principles of composition in three-dimensional space. Coordinated sequence of studio projects investigates the problems of spatial organization and focuses on creativity, idea development, formal criticism, and the understanding of visual language. Through the use of various media, tools, materials, and processes, emphasis will be placed on comprehending contemporary art, visual problem solving and presentation. Additional fee required. Goal 2A, ELO5 Arts – Innovation

ARTS1230 Drawing 3 s.h.
This introductory course considers drawing as a form of communication and a sustaining practice. Through the use of various drawing materials, observation, memory training, and composition are stressed to give the student a wide experience and solid base in the art, skill and history of drawing. Additional fee required. Goal 2A, ELO5 Arts – Sustainability

ARTS1250 Creativity, Innovation & Change 3 s.h.
In a playground of creative thinking and discovery, students will learn and apply the process of design thinking – ideation, visualization, production and refinement to solve problems. Through hands-on exercises and interactive discussions and experiences, students will develop an understanding of the language of the visual arts, the development and function of art and innovation, and the creative process. Goal 2A, ELO5 Arts – Innovation

ARTS2240 Art and Social Practice 3 s.h.
Introduces an interdisciplinary approach to understand and produce social practice art projects with an emphasis on engaging community in social and public spaces. Focus is on being able to use creative acts as a force for social change. Goal 2A, ELO5 Arts – World Citizenship, ELO5 Arts – Equality and Peace

ARTS2300 Art History Survey: Ancient to Medieval 3 s.h.
Chronological, cultural and historical study of the visual arts from Paleolithic through Gothic periods in major Western and non-western civilizations. Focus is on the development and sustaining of cultural identity, preservation and cultivation of sustaining culture through storytelling and the birth of Land Art. Goal 4, ELO5 Arts – Sustainability

ARTS2310 Art History Survey: Renaissance to Modern 3 s.h.
Chronological, cultural and historical study of the visual arts, technology and innovations from Renaissance through Modern periods in major Western and non-western civilizations. Goal 4, ELO5 Arts – Innovation

+ ARTS2390 History of Graphic Design 3 s.h.
A study of the major developments, movements and styles, and artists associated with the history of Graphic Design. ELO5 Arts – Equality, ELO5 Arts – Equality and Peace

+ ARTS2400 Ethics, Politics, and Controversy in Art 3 s.h.
An introduction to ethical concerns and considerations inherent in the arts. The course examines relevant issues involved with funding for the arts, economy of global art markets, censorship, the environment, ownership, and preservation. The course fosters deeper understanding of the ways in which art profoundly affects the individual, the society, and the culture. Goal 3E, ELO5 Arts – Peace, ELO5 Arts – Equality and Peace

ARTS3100 Modern to Contemporary Art History 3 s.h.
Cultural, social and historical study of the visual arts from the late 19th century to the present. Examines influences of privilege and inequality on the development of major artists, styles and movements from a global perspective. ELO5 Arts – Equality, ELO5 Arts – Equality and Peace

+ ARTS3200 The Printed Image 3 s.h.
This introductory printmaking/image making studio course is steeped in the tradition of innovation through technology, and the power it has through its use of media, information sharing and protest. Students are introduced to non-toxic relief, intaglio-type, monotype, silkscreen, and multiple image making through contemporary applications of print media. Additional fee required. ELO5 Arts – Innovation

ARTS3240 Eco Art & Ceramics 3 s.h.
Contemporary and traditional approaches to clay with emphasis on wheel-throwing and hand-building techniques. Exploration of sustainable production practices will also address surface decoration and responsible firing processes. Additional fee required. ELO5 Arts – Sustainability

MUSC1270 Music and the Environment 3 s.h.
Examines the relationship between music and the natural world, specifically ways in which the environmental movement has shaped musical composition throughout history. Covers a broad spectrum of popular and art music genres, ranging from Beethoven to Marvin Gaye to Radiohead. Identifies connections between music spanning multiple centuries and society’s concern for enjoying and protecting the environment and the resources that it provides. ELO5 Arts – Sustainability

MUSC2320 Global Musics as Languages of Peace 3 s.h.
Music, and sacred music in particular, has been the bridge to peace across many cultural situations and political barriers. It is a language (actually many languages) of connection between reason and emotion, personal and communal activity, solitude and social activism (all large political crowds sing and chant). This course will increase awareness of our distinctives as musical cultures, recognize the common themes and concerns of musical expression, experience great performances of essential repertoire, and make personal discoveries of global musics. Goal 2A, ELO5 Arts – Peace, ELO5 Arts – Equality and Peace

MUSC2350 Musics of the World 3 s.h.
Explores the musical history of the planet’s diverse human communities. Music is not one universal language but a group of languages that express, shape and record human experience. An intensive study of how music works within the social and cultural context including a specific examination of indigenous music of West Africa, Latin America, China, Indonesia, and Japan. Goal 4, ELO5 Arts – World Citizenship, ELO5 Arts – Equality and Peace

MUSC2360 Jazz History 3 s.h.
Introduction to various jazz styles and performers through the listening, discussion, and lecture of important and representative musical works from each of these periods. A significant focus will be on the relationship between the music, style, and social and economic fabric. Goal 2A, ELO5 Arts – Innovation

THTR1200 Introduction to Theatre 3 s.h.
Designed to develop an appreciation and enjoyment of dramatic art and to foster an understanding of some of the basic principles which underlie theatre practice and theatre technique. Students should develop an appreciation for the work of the artists who help to bring the playwright’s pages to life as well as consider their contribution as members of an audience. The dramatic literature studied in the course will focus primarily on the issue of equality. Goal 2A, ELO5 Arts – Equality, ELO5 Arts – Equality and Peace

THTR1220 Beginning Acting 3 s.h.
Study and practice of the fundamentals of acting through improvisation and exploratory exercises. Basic principles of stage performance designed to enhance the student’s appreciation of the art form are emphasized. Goal 2A, ELO5 Arts – Innovation


+ Denotes an alternate year course.