Learning Outcome Six: Knowledge of the Physical and Natural World - Science

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Learning Outcome Six: Knowledge of the Physical and Natural World – Science
Students will be able to demonstrate literacy in both mathematics and natural sciences (biology, chemistry, and general physical science*) by defining and recalling terms, interpreting and using appropriate notation, and recognizing and applying concepts, in order to understand the relevance of mathematics and natural sciences to contemporary life. (* For purpose of transfer credits, this includes physics, astronomy, and geology.)

  • 3 s.h. Science from the following list of courses approved for this outcome by the Essential Education Committee
    Sustainability Theme
    BIOL1100 Introduction to Sustainability
    BIOL1260 Environmental Biology
    BIOL3400 Ecology and Conservation Biology
    Equality and Peace Theme
    BIOL1400 Unity of Life
    SCIE1310 Fundamentals of Physical Science
    Innovation Theme
    BIOL2580 Drug Development and Society
    CHEM1300 Introduction to Environmental Chemistry with Lab
    CHEM1340 Forensic Chemistry


Approved course descriptions:

BIOL1100 Introduction to Sustainability (Also SUST1100) 3 s.h.
An introduction to the fundamentals of sustainability and its impact on biological systems. Explores how sustainability relates to population, ecosystems, global change, energy, agriculture, water, environmental economics and policy, ethics, and cultural history. Practical approaches to this course will be tied closely to small-scale agriculture and water use with hands-on fieldwork at the campus EcoPlot. Goal 1A, ELO6 Science – Sustainability

BIOL1260 Environmental Biology (3-0) 3 s.h.
An exploration of the environment, including the normal structure and functioning of ecosystems and the human impact on these ecosystems. Current environmental issues, such as human population growth, air and water pollution, climate change, loss of biodiversity, and ecosystem degradation, will be considered. Goal 1A, ELO6 Science – Peace, ELO6 Science – Sustainability

BIOL1400 Unity of Life (3-0) 3 s.h.
A study of the key characteristics of life that unite all living organisms, including humans. Emphasis will be placed on comparing how humans and other organisms fulfill basic life needs. Will not count for credit in the Biology major or minor. Goal 1A, ELO6 Science – Equality, ELO6 Science – Equality and Peace

BIOL2580 Drug Development and Society 3 s.h.
An exploration of drug discovery, development, and delivery from the medicinal herbs of the Middle Ages through the present day pharmaceutical industry. Drug safety for society is the underlying theme. Topics include pharmacology of selected herbs, drug delivery systems, and federal regulation of drugs. ELO6 Science – Innovation

+ BIOL3400 Ecology and Conservation Biology (3-0) 3 s.h.
A study of how organisms interact with one another and with their physical environments at the physiological, population, community, and ecosystem levels. Case studies will use ecological concepts to develop conservation strategies for species, habitats, and ecosystems. Corequisite (for Biology majors): BIOL3401 Ecology and Conservation Biology Lab. Goal 6, EL06 Science – World Citizenship, ELO6 Science – Sustainability

CHEM1300 Introduction to Environmental Chemistry with Lab 4 s.h.
Examination of the chemical processes underlying the natural cycles of Earth including the impact anthropogenic processes and emissions have on these cycles. The course will also examine the technological innovations that have affected emissions and those innovations that have been implement to remedy environmental problems. ELO6 Science – Innovation

CHEM1340 Forensic Chemistry 3 s.h.
This course will expose students to the field of forensic science primarily using chemical forensics and testing. Topics include evidence collection and preservation, drugs and drug chemistry, heat and explosions, poisons and others. The course will cover basic chemical concepts needed to plan, execute, and interpret forensic results. All necessary scientific concepts will be developed in the context of forensic science. Two 50-minute class sessions and a 75-minute laboratory per week. ELO6 Science – World Citizenship, ELO6 Science – Innovation

SCIE1310 Fundamentals of Physical Science 3 s.h.
An integrated study of selected principles and concepts of physics, earth science, and chemistry. (Not intended for science majors.) Goal 1A, ELO6 Science – Peace, ELO6 Science – Equality and Peace


+ Denotes an alternate year course.