Save Your Spot for Fall 2025 on the Lamoni Campus

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Performance Opportunities: As a pianist, you may accompany ensembles or individual musicians in addition to performing solo in student recitals.

Piano Proficiency: All music majors must show evidence of piano proficiency. Students may take the proficiency exam, or register to take Piano Class for Proficiency (MUSC2120-1 s.h.). This course is designed to aid students who need further keyboard study to help them pass the piano proficiency examination required for graduation. The exam is comprised of six components including, major and minor scales, a prepared accompaniment, patriotic songs, solo repertoire, score reading and harmonization. Students may retake individual components until all six components have been passed.

Piano Studies with Jack Ergo

Yamaha 9′ Grand Piano
Steinway 7′ Grand Piano
Boston 7′ Grand Piano

Pianos maintained in optimal condition.

10-rank Wicks organ (Cheville Chapel)
Allen electronic practice organ

23-rank Casavant Pipe Organ
2-manual Keith Hill Harpsichord

Information coming soon.

Information coming soon.

Information coming soon.