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Graceland University has chosen to establish a reasonable tuition rate rather than offer institutional aid for this degree program. The hybrid DPT program is eligible for Title IV federal student aid and private loans. 

To apply for Title IV federal student aid, students must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as discussed below.

To establish eligibility for private loans, students apply directly to the lender of choice. Graceland’s Financial Aid Advisors can assist with this process.

NOTE: Information about the various types of financial aid is subject to change when federal regulations change. Please see the explanation of Graceland’s Refund Policy for charges and for return of federal, state and institutional aid.

Federal Student Loans

William D. Ford Direct (Unsubsidized) Student Loan Program: Borrowing is subject to annual and aggregate loan limits. Borrowers begin repaying loans six months after ceasing at least half-time enrollment in postsecondary education, unless borrower qualifies for deferment. Cancellation of loans is available for employment in certain designated fields, under certain conditions. This is a loan from the federal government. While eligibility for the subsidized Direct Loan requires proof of financial need, financial need is not a consideration for the unsubsidized Direct Loan. The student must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually to determine eligibility for participation in this program, and be enrolled at least half-time. The interest rate is determined on July 1st for the succeeding academic year. Borrowers of a Direct Loan are charged a loan origination fee, which will be subtracted from the loan proceeds at disbursement.  Graduate and professional students may borrow up to $20,500 per year, if the student’s cost of attendance allows,

Repayment on the principal amount of the loan does not begin until six months after the student leaves school or drops below half-time status, BUT the student is responsible for the interest from the date of the last disbursement of the loan. The student may pay the interest monthly or quarterly, or may defer interest payments during school or the six-month grace period. Arrangements for payment are made by the student with the Department of Education.

William D. Ford Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan: The Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loan is available to graduate students who file a FAFSA. Graduate students may borrow up to the cost of attendance minus other financial assistance received. Graduate students are encouraged to utilize their Federal Direct Stafford Loan eligibility prior to borrowing Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loans. The interest rate is determined annually at the time of disbursement.  This rate is fixed for the life of the loan. Repayment of principal and interest begins after the six month grace period. The U.S. Department of Education charges a loan origination fee which will be subtracted from the loan proceeds at disbursement. if you receive a Direct PLUS Loan as a graduate or professional student, you will not be required to make any payments while you’re enrolled in school at least half-time, and for an additional six months after you graduate, leave school, or drop below halt-time enrollment.  Depending upon the amount borrowed, parents may have up to 10 years to repay.

See for more information about these loan programs.

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Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Evaluating Financial Need

Students applying for federal and state financial aid must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine financial need. Indicate on the FAFSA that you want the results of this analysis sent to Graceland University, code #001866.

When documents are received, all related factors in combination with this analysis are considered in granting aid and an award letter is sent to the student.

Procedure in Applying for Financial Aid

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be submitted as soon as possible after October 1 prior to the year you wish to enroll. Note: USDE has announced the FAFSA will not be available until December 2023 this year. Awards will be made approximately March 1. All Financial Aid processes must be completed two weeks prior to the start date of classes. Any student who has not completed their Financial Aid processes before the two week deadline will need to secure their classes with an alternate payment method until Financial Aid is completed.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is my Financial Advisor?

    Laura Sweazea – 641.784.5222 –

  • When am I registered for courses?

    You must have completed financial clearance prior to registration. Financial clearance means that you have completed all the financial requirements for you to attend. They are:

    • accepted or rejected your loans
    • completed your master promissory note and entrance counseling for your loans
    • completed your yearly financial agreement
    • made payment for remaining balance after aid or set up an approved payment plan with 1st payment made

    You can make payment online at

    Your Financial Advisor, Laura Sweazea, can help you through this process.

  • Are there scholarships or grants available?

    There are no scholarships or grants offered through the University for the Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

  • What other type of financial aid may be available?

    Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans and Graduate PLUS Loans are available to those who qualify by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The Federal Direct Unsubsidized and Graduate PLUS Loans have interest accruing from the time the funds are disbursed and are available during any term in which the student is enrolled at least half-time (3 credits or more).

  • How do I apply for a Federal Direct Loan?

    You must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at during each academic year.

    The academic year runs from August through August.

  • How much can I borrow?

    Graduate students are eligible to borrow up to $20,500 in Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans or their maximum cost of attendance each academic year. Federal Graduate PLUS loans can be borrowed up to your maximum cost of attendance each semester. The Department of Education charges a 1.057% loan origination fee for unsubsidized loans, and 4.228% for PLUS loans. This fee comes out of the gross loan amount that is accepted.

  • What is the interest rate on the Federal Direct Loan?

    The interest rate is based on the U.S. Treasury Bill rates and is set each year on July 1. Current interest rates can be found here. The interest rate is fixed for the life of the loan. Interest begins to accrue on the date the loan is disbursed.

  • When do I start repayment of the loan?

    Payments are not required during any period of enrollment in which you are registered for three credits or more (half-time). There is also a six-month grace period following the date your enrollment status drops below half-time, so you should expect to begin repayment within six months. Once you have used your grace period, your loan can be deferred, but repayment will begin within 30 days of the end of the deferment period. The maximum repayment term is ten years. Please keep in mind if there is a term that you register for less than 3 credits and you have previous federal loans, your loans will go into grace or repayment status.

  • When will I receive my financial aid notification?

    After you have been accepted into the program and we have received your current FAFSA ( a financial aid offer notice will be sent to your Graceland email address. You will be required to accept the Financial Aid Offer on your student portal for your loans to be processed. Although the maximum loan amount will be offered, you can decline any or all of the amount.

  • Will I need to sign a promissory note for the loan?

    Yes, if you have not borrowed Federal Direct loans in the past. The Master Promissory Note (MPN) is available online at You will need to sign in using your FSA ID username and password and complete this form online. In addition, if this is your first Federal Direct Student Loan, you must complete the Loan Entrance Counseling, also available at

  • When and how will the loan be disbursed?

    The Federal Direct Loan will be disbursed at the beginning of each trimester, for the amount you have indicated on your financial aid offer acceptance. The funds are electronically posted to your Graceland student account. If you have borrowed more than the amount needed to cover tuition for the current term, the excess will be refunded to you either by paper check or electronically if you choose to set up direct deposit.

    ACH Authorization | Accounting | My Graceland Home

  • When and how is tuition billed for this program?

    Tuition is billed each trimester. You will receive billing notices from Student Financial Services. Questions regarding billing should be directed to Laura Sweazea, your financial advisor, or 641.784.5222.

  • Do you have payment plan options available?

    Yes. Student Financial Services offers interest free payment plans that may suit your needs. There is a $50 processing fee for each payment plan. Please contact Laura Sweazea, your financial advisor, or 641.784.5222.

  • What happens if I need to withdraw from the program?

    If you withdraw before the time when 60% of the course has passed, or if you fail to complete all courses contained in the term, there will be a recalculation of charges and financial aid. If you borrowed Federal Loans, we are required to recalculate your loan eligibility and may be required to return funds to the U.S. Department of Education. A withdrawal from the program, or from individual courses could result in your owing the University.

  • What is the loan period I should enter when applying for a Graduate PLUS or Private Education Loan?

    Because the Graceland DPT program starts in the middle of the financial aid year, the loan period does not match the program periods.

    Loan periods are as follows:
    1st period January – July / 2nd period August – July / 3rd period August – December.

    If you have any questions concerning loan period dates please contact your Financial Advisor, Laura Sweazea at or 641.784.5222.

  • I borrowed extra on my student loan. When can I expect to see the refunds?

    Refunds will be processed approximately two weeks after the start of each trimester. Make sure you have set up direct deposit through your myGraceland portal to receive your refund in a timely manner.

    Refunds will be processed approximately two weeks after the start of each trimester. Your excess aid will be mailed as a paper check or direct deposit. You can set up direct deposit through MyGraceland. Direct Deposit set up.

  • When can I Apply for the Graduate PLUS Loan?

    If you are applying for a Graduate PLUS loan, you must wait until mid to late April when the upcoming application is available on For the January 2024 program start date, you need to complete the 2023-24 application that was available April 2023.

  • What if my question is not answered here?

    For answers to additional questions regarding financial aid opportunities for Graceland’s DPT Program, please contact Laura Sweazea, your financial advisor, at or 641.784.5222.

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Private Scholarships

This list is provided as a resource only, and may not be exhaustive of available private scholarships. These scholarships are not provided or influenced by Graceland University, nor does Graceland University have any part in interviewing for or awarding them. Please visit the websites below for more information. Eligibility requirements, amounts, and deadlines are set solely by the institutions who offer these awards and may change or be discontinued at any time. While Graceland University strives to provide relevant and current information regarding available financial aid, each student should conduct additional research on available financial assistance.

  • American Academy of Physical Therapy (AAPT) Academic Award of Excellence – $2,500

    One scholarship awarded annually. Open to DPT or PTA students who have an underrepresented racial and/or ethnic background who are in the last year of an accredited program. Students must be a minority student who has demonstrated change in the physical therapy industry at large.

    • Value: $2,500
    • Deadline: Before Dec. 31
    • Essay is required.
    • Contact:
    • Online application

    AAPT Website

  • AMBUCS Scholarship Program – $500-$6,000

    Students must be US citizens accepted in a graduate-level program that is accredited by the appropriate therapy profession authority in physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language pathology, or hearing audiology. Assistant or undergraduate programs are not eligible. Awards are based on financial need, commitment to local community, character for compassion and integrity, and career objectives.

    • Value: $500-$6,000
    • Deadline: May
    • Essay and transcripts are required.
    • Contact: or call 800.838.1845
    • Online application

    AMBUCS Website

  • American Association of University Women - Career Development Grants – $2,000-$12,000

    These grants are open to women who: are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, have a bachelors degree, earned their bachelors on or before June 30, 2015, do not have a masters or doctoral degree, and plan to enroll in professional employment or advancement courses. As well as plan to enroll in a bachelors or associate with a different field of study from the earned degree, masters degree program, certification program, or technical school. These programs can be within fields of education; health and medical sciences; science, technology, engineering, and math; or social sciences.

    • Value: $2,000-$12,000
    • Deadline: Nov. 15
    • Recommendations are required.
    • Contact: or call 202.785.7700
    • Online application

    AAUW Website

  • American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Scholarships – Variable

    The APTA Honors & Awards program recognizes outstanding achievements by members in the areas of overall accomplishment, education, practice and service, publications, research, and academic excellence. Information about eligibility and the nominations process is included in the individual descriptions on the APTA website.

    • Value: Varies
    • Deadline: Dec. 1
    • Contact: 800.999.2782
    • Online application

    APTA Website

  • Challenge Scholarship – $2,000

    This scholarship is given to NSCA Members seeking either an undergraduate or graduate degree in a strength and conditioning-related field.

    • Value: $2,000
    • Deadline: Oct. 15
    • An essay, transcripts and recommendations are required.
    • Contact: or call 800.815.6826 or 719.632.6722
    • Online application

    NSCA Website

  • Crest Scholarship-Rizing Tide – Up to $14,000

    To be eligible for this scholarship you must be: entering first or second year of DPT program or PTA-to-DPT Bridge program, acceptance into CAPTE accredited PT program in the U.S., identify as an underrepresented racial or ethnic heritage, earned a minimum 3.2 GPA in undergraduate studies, and be a U.S. citizen or have DACA status.

    Value: Up to $14,000
    Deadline: June 30
    Transcripts and recommendations are required.
    Online application or mail to: Rizing Tide Foundation, RE: Crest Scholarship, PO Box 32681, Phoenix, AZ 85064

    Rizing Tide Website

  • DAR Occupational/Physical Therapy Scholarship – $1,000

    To be eligible for this scholarship you must be: a U.S. citizen, and plan or attend an accredited college or university in the U.S. Additional information regarding awards is as follows: all multi-year scholarships used for consecutive years of attendance, awards are based on academic excellence, commitment to the field of study, and/or financial need, or other restrictions on specific scholarships, awards will be deposited directly to the institution and unused funds will be returned to DAR, and applicants are only eligible to receive one scholarship from the DAR..

    Value: $1,000
    Deadline: Jan. 31
    Online application

    Daughters of the American Revolution Website

  • F.A. Davis Scholarship – $1000

    This scholarship is awarded to support those aspiring to work in healthcare.

    • Value: $1000
    • Deadline: September 30
    • Proof of enrollment and essays are required
    • Contact
    • Online application

    F.A. Davis website

  • HIE Help Center Scholarships – $1,000

    The HIE Help Center will award one scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to an undergraduate or graduate student who plans to pursue a career in physical, occupational, or speech therapy.

    Cannot be a past, present, or future client of ABC Law Centers (the firm sponsoring the HIE Help Center), be seeking or in the process of completing higher education at an institution in the United States (either as an undergraduate or graduate student) in physical, occupational, or speech therapy. High school seniors are also welcome to apply if they already know which college or university they will be attending, have a GPA of at least 3.0

    HIE Help Center Website

  • Indian Health Services Scholarship - Varies

    Must be a US citizen or US national; a member or descendant of a federally recognized American Indian Tribe or an Alaska Native Village or a member of a descendant of a state-recognized or terminated tribe; Men over the age of 18 must be registered with the Selective Service; Minimum 2-year service obligation at an approved site and 1 year of service per year of support thereafter.

    • Value: Varies – tuition, fees, books, monthly stipend, related costs
    • Deadline: Feb. 28
    • An essay, transcripts, and recommendations are required.
    • Contact: or call 301.945.3151
    • Online application

    Indian Health Service Website

  • International Order of the King’s Daughters and Sons Health Career Scholarship – $1,000

    Medical and dental students who have completed their first professional year (pre-med students not eligible); Pharmacy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, and medical technology students who have completed a minimum of two years of study with preference to those in masters or doctorate degree programs; Students studying to become registered nurses or nurse practitioners—associate degree must have completed one year; bachelor’s or master’s degrees–must have completed two years of study; Students are eligible for a maximum of three years with good academic standing and annual re-application.

    IOKDS Website

  • Mary McMillan Scholarship Award – $5,000

    This award recognizes students within 12 months of completing all requirements for graduation who exhibit superior scholastic ability and potential for future professional contribution. Students must be nominated from physical therapist professional education programs and physical therapist assistant education programs accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education of the association.

    Value: $5,000
    Transcripts and recommendations are required.
    Online application

    APTA Website

  • Minority Scholarship – $2,000

    This scholarship is designed for the specific purpose of providing financial assistance to Education Recognition Program (ERP) School Students to attend their first National Conference to network and engage with professionals in the industry. Scholarships will provide the cost of the conference admission, travel (domestic ONLY), daily meal stipend and boarding accommodations.

    • Value: $2,000
    • Deadline: Oct.
    • An essay, transcripts and recommendations are required.
    • Contact: or call 800.815.6826 or 719.632.6722
    • Online application

    NSCA Website

  • Natasha Porter Memorial Scholarship – Varies

    This scholarship is designed to encourage minorities, ages 17 and older, to enter into the field of strength and conditioning. A minority is defined as “ethnic minority,” as determined by the U.S. Census Bureau. Applicants must demonstrate they have been accepted into an accredited institution working toward an undergraduate or graduate degree in the strength and conditioning field. All scholarship applicants must be NSCA Members at the application deadline (on or before October 15), have not yet attended any NSCA Conference in any capacity, and a current student of an ERP school that is in good standing with the NSCA. Members of the Board of Directors, Scholarship Review Committee, NSCA/NSCA Affiliate and NSCA Foundation employees and their families are not eligible to receive scholarships and may not write letters of recommendation for applicants.

    • Value: Varies
    • Deadline: Oct. 15
    • An essay, transcripts and recommendations are required.
    • Contact: or call 800.815.6826 or 719.632.6722
    • Online application

    NSCA Website

  • Natasha Porter Memorial Scholarship National Association of Black Physical Therapists Prospective Student Scholarship – $500-$1,000

    The National Association of Black Physical Therapists, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that seeks to increase opportunities for the African Diaspora in the physical therapy industry. In pursuit of that goal, the NABPT provides this scholarship to a prospective PT or PTA student to help cover DPT application or prerequisite fees.

    • Value: $500-$1,000
    • Deadline: Oct. 1
    • An essay is required.
    • Contact:
    • Online application

    NABPT Website

  • National Athletic Trainers Association Educational Grants – $2,500

    Grant awards are limited to a maximum of $2,500 in direct costs for the doctoral category, over no more than one year. Please note that a two-year funding period is allowed. However, the project timeline must reflect the completion of all study activities except for dissemination of results, by the end of Year 1. Only costs associated for travel to the NATA annual meeting to present results are allowed in Year 2. Proposals must be completed according to the NATA Foundation Doctoral Grant Program instructions.

    • Value: $2,500
    • Deadline: Feb. 15
    • An essay is required.
    • Contact: call 972.532.8805 or fax 214.736.5465
    • Online application

    NATA Foundation Website

  • Women’s Scholarship – $2,000

    This scholarship is designed to support those who identify as female, ages 17 and older, to enter into the field of strength and conditioning. Applicants must demonstrate they have been accepted into an accredited institution and are working toward an undergraduate or graduate degree in the strength and conditioning field. Awards in the amount of $2,000 are granted and are to be applied toward tuition charges accrued by the student.

    • Value: $2,000
    • Deadline: Oct. 15
    • An essay, transcripts and recommendations are required.
    • Contact: or call 800.815.6826 or 719.632.6722
    • Online application

    NSCA Website


This site has a lot of scholarships, but many are specific to particular states of residency —

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Renewal of Financial Assistance

All forms of financial assistance are granted for a period of one academic year providing the student is making satisfactory academic progress at the beginning of each term. Students who wish to receive assistance in subsequent years must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year so that their eligibility may be reviewed annually.

Returning students may file a renewal FAFSA online at Renewal of most types of financial aid is based upon continuing financial need and academic achievement.