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Undergraduate Admissions

The time is right. The time is now.

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Programs For Every Passion

With over 30 undergraduate majors to choose from, you’ll have plenty of options to discover the one that’s right for you. From Accounting to Art or Biology to Nursing, Graceland University offers both Bachelors of Arts and Bachelors of Science programs at two different locations and even online. Not sure what you want to study yet? Don’t worry, you have time to explore a variety of different classes to find the perfect fit. Take this quick quiz and see which of Graceland’s majors could be perfect for you!

Explore Our Programs

Ready for the next step?

Ready to apply? Our application is free, so there is absolutely no risk for you apply to Graceland. Already been accepted and ready to enroll? Just click the button below to pay your deposit.

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Admissions Requirements

  • Lamoni Campus — Traditional Students

    To be considered for acceptance to Graceland, you must be a high school graduate or have a GED high school equivalency certificate/diploma and qualify in the following criteria:

    • have a 2.50 grade point average or above based on a 4.00 system.

    If you who do not meet this criteria, you may be considered individually. Please review the Alternative Procedure for Acceptance for more information. If accepted, you may be required to take developmental courses.

    You will need to submit an online application.

    If you have a GED, you will need to submit:

    • an online application;
    • all GED tests;
    • official GED paperwork.

    ACT/SAT Requirement:

    Effective November 14, 2020, ACT & SAT test scores are permanently optional for undergraduate Admissions. Please contact your Admissions Advisor with any questions.

    A placement test will be required to determine proper placement in English and math if ACT or SAT scores are not submitted.

  • Lamoni Campus — Home School Students

    Graceland is happy to welcome applications from homeschooled students. We know that homeschoolers make important contributions both in the classroom and as part of student life and we make a deliberate effort to accommodate the special circumstances of homeschooled students during the admissions process.

    To maintain a universal standard of achievement among applicants, while also allowing flexibility, Graceland requires the following criteria:

    • a portfolio demonstrating the breadth and depth of learning by the applicant. The portfolio may express the unique learning of the homeschooler during the years of high school or the last four years of learning. Admissions will assess the quality of the portfolio to determine whether it reflects sufficient preparation for success during college;
    • a homeschool transcript prepared by the teachers/parents, an independent or supervising teacher, or an organization with whom the student is registered or affiliated;
      the cumulative grade point average must be 2.50 or above based on a 4.00 system.

    A further description of the portfolio and transcript is available from the Admissions Office.

    If you do not meet the above criteria, you may be considered individually. If accepted, you may be required to take developmental courses as specified in policies for admission of high school students.

    A homeschooled student who has 24 or more college credits will need to comply with Graceland’s transfer student policies. Placement tests may be required.

  • Lamoni Campus - Alternative Procedure for Acceptance

    Graceland University has developed standards for acceptance based on commonly used indicators, which reflect a prospective student has been prepared and has the potential to complete college level work at a passing level. These indicators are chosen as they reflect a student’s aptitude for certain subjects, commitment to their education, and performance.

    The alternate procedure for acceptance is designed to provide a pathway for admission for you if you do not meet these standards. This process gathers additional information which may be helpful in determining your readiness, which may not be adequately reflected by the standard acceptance criteria.

    Your admissions advisor will consult with the Executive Director of Admissions if the alternate procedure may be appropriate for you. Additional information will be requested by the Executive Director of Admissions, or designee, on a case-by-case basis, and usually includes the following:

    1. A written one-page essay from you answering the following questions:
      • What factors have led to your below standard grade point average?
      • What have you done to improve your academic performance?
      • What steps will you take at Graceland to set yourself up for sustainable success academically?
      • How will you utilize support systems available to you on-campus such as professors, tutoring, teammates, friends, etc.?
      • What coping strategies do you utilize when managing stress and anxiety?
      • What are some challenges you anticipate you might face in college? How will you choose to respond to those challenges?
    2. One letter of recommendation from a high school teacher who will verify your readiness to succeed in college-level writing, reading, comprehension, and overall academic success.
    3. One letter of recommendation from an additional reference (non-family) who will verify your character, values, and work ethic. Examples: coach, employer, pastor, band director, choir director, etc.
    4. Up-to-date High School transcripts including the most recently completed semester, when possible.

    Your Admissions Advisor, coach, or the Executive Director of Admissions, will communicate directly with you, outlining what is requested and the deadline for completion. Once collected, the Executive Director of Admissions will make the acceptance decision. You should be notified of the decision within one week of Graceland receiving all of your requested materials/information.

  • Independence Campus — Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Program
    • 61 hours of required college courses — general education and prerequisite courses;
    • Prerequisite course & GPA requirements;
      • GPA of 2.5 (January) or 2.75 (June) either cumulative or prerequisite
      • a grade of C or above in all prerequisite courses
      • grades of retaken courses will replace the original grade for GPA calculations. However, multiple low grades or withdrawals will also be taken into consideration
    • If you are currently in or have previously attended a nursing program, you will need a letter from that school stating you are currently in good standing or eligible to return to that program. 
      • We do not accept students who have failed out of a nursing program and are not eligible to return.

    Find out more.

  • Independence Campus — Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education Program

    To be accepted to Graceland University as a transfer student, you must have:

    • attended college full-time for at least two semesters;
    • and/or accumulated 48 semester hours or more of credit with a 2.0 GPA or higher.

    In addition to being accepted into Graceland University, being accepted into the Teacher Education Program has additional requirements. Please contact your admissions representative or visit the Independence Elementary Education program page for more details.

  • Online Programs - Bachelor of Arts in Business Management

    In order to be considered for acceptance to Graceland’s online business management program, you must:

    • submit an application form;
    • be a high school graduate or have a GED high school equivalency; certificate/diploma;
    • have a grade point average of 2.50 or above based on a 4.00 system.

    ** If you do not meet the above criteria, you may submit a letter along with your application materials describing how you can be successful at Graceland University. Please share relevant career experience and other qualifications that will enable future success as a Graceland student.

  • Online Programs - Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership

    In order to be considered for acceptance to Graceland’s Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership program, you must must:

    • submit an application form;
    • be a high school graduate or have a GED high school equivalency; certificate/diploma;
    • have a grade point average of 2.50 or above based on a 4.00 system

    ** If you do not meet the above criteria, you may submit a letter along with your application materials describing how you can be successful at Graceland University. Please share relevant career experience and other qualifications that will enable future success as a Graceland student.

  • Online - Bachelor of Arts in Business Management & Organizational Leadership Dual Major Program

    In order to be considered for acceptance to Graceland’s Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration & Organizational Online Dual Major program, you must must:

    • submit an application form;
    • be a high school graduate or have a GED high school equivalency; certificate/diploma;
    • have a grade point average of 2.50 or above based on a 4.00 system.

    ** If you do not meet the above criteria, you may submit a letter along with your application materials describing how you can be successful at Graceland University. Please share relevant career experience and other qualifications that will enable future success as a Graceland student.

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ACT/SAT Requirement:

Effective November 14, 2020, ACT & SAT test scores are permanently optional for undergraduate Admissions. Please contact your Admissions Counselor with any questions.

Contact Admissions
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Tuition and Fees

An education from Graceland is one of the greatest investments you can make but we understand that cost is often a concern. See our undergraduate tuition costs, room and board and other student fees and use our tuition calculator to get an estimate of what your cost will be.

Home School Students

Refer to the requirements listed in the catalog below.
View Catalog

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Scholarship and Financial Aid

We’re invested in making college as affordable as possible for our students and offer scholarships, grants and financial aid to 99% of our incoming freshman on the Lamoni campus.

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Three Campuses with 31 Undergraduate Programs

Graceland University offers undergraduate programs online, at our main residential campus in Lamoni, Iowa and Nursing and Education programs on our commuter campus in Independence, Missouri.

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International Students

Applicants from countries outside the United States are considered by the Admissions Office on an individual basis.

In order to be considered for acceptance to Graceland, an applicant most provide the follow official documents containing the listed information:

  1. Show academic proficiency. Have a grade point average of 2.50 or above based on a 4.00 system.
  2. Competency in the English language. A TOEFL score of 62 (internet-based); or an IELTS equivalent score of 6.0; or a DuoLingo equivalent score of 90, is required for applicants whose primary language is not English. If you are unable to access a testing location due to COVID-19 in your country, please contact your Admissions Counselor regarding alternative English proficiency assessment options.
  3. Optional – either a minimum composite ACT score of 21 or a minimum combined SAT score of 1060.
  4. Show Financial Support. If applying for financial aid, an International Financial Aid Application is required. Advising and support services are provided by the Intercultural Office and the academic advisor. All forms are available through the Admissions Office or online.

Read more about the admissions process for international students.

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Non-Traditional/Transfer Students

Non-Traditional Students, all applicants who have been out of high school for one or more years and have completed 23 or less college credit course. For acceptance guidelines, please refer back to traditional student guidelines. When applying, please complete transfer application.

Transfer students, to be considered for admissions an applicant has to have attended college full-time for at least two semesters and/or has accumulated 24 semester hours or more of credit with a 2.0 GPA or higher.

Submit the following items:

  • An online application
  • Official high school transcripts (if college work totals less than 24 semester hours)
  • Official transcripts from all colleges previously attended

Transfer students, including community and junior college transfers, who have earned 56 transferable semester hours with a grade point average of 2.00 based on a 4.00 point system, if accepted, will enter Graceland at junior standing.

Courses accepted for transfer will be accepted as credit only and will not carry grade points. Credit will be accepted for courses in which the student earned a grade of D- or better.

Credit or waiver through College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and Advanced Placement (AP) will be determined by Graceland upon receipt of the scores from the College Board and will not necessarily correspond with what the previous school may have awarded.

A detailed statement on transfer policies is available in the Registrar’s Office or you may click here.

Connect with an Admissions Counselor

Have questions? We’ve got answers! Our admissions counselors are standing by to help provide any information you may need about applying to Graceland.