Student Perspective

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The Drive to Succeed

November 7, 2016

Senior Ujang Zarems has seen success this fall out on the golf course and in the classroom.  “Ujang is a privilege to have on the team, and his story is unique and remarkable,” said head coach Kevin Brunner. “He is...

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Leah Koch – Student Success

November 4, 2016

Meet Leah Koch, a senior honors student from St. Louis, Missouri, majoring in elementary education. She is the editor for the Graceland Tower student newspaper, she just had an undergraduate research paper published, and is a peer editor for a...

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A Day as a Volunteer

October 27, 2016

Author: Maddie Jaggars '17 I recently volunteered with Graceland’s Ag Business program at the Iowa Hunger Summit – a weeklong convention discussing the issue of poverty and hunger, domestic and foreign – to earn service learning hours for a class....

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Spec to an Outsider

August 1, 2016

I am not a Spec kid. I never went to the summer camp hosted here at Graceland and had literally no idea what it was until at least January of my freshman year when it was actually explained to me....

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The Power of One

June 17, 2016

After move in day freshmen year, I was left in a very interesting situation. Mom and Dad were gone, all the new students were getting settled with their new homes and roommates. However, I didn’t have a roommate yet. The...

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Despite the Rumors, Graceland is chalked full of stuff to do

June 9, 2016

It’s funny to think that at some point in my world, one of my primary worries about Graceland was finding stuff to do. Let’s be honest; we’ve all thought about that at one point when first coming to Graceland. Lamoni...

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How history bonds us

May 31, 2016

For a school built and established in 1895, history is a key factor to the Graceland identity. Inevitably, the tradition that the students have created for themselves lives on as part of that history. Generation to generation, the history and...

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Goodbye England – Wait… Do we have to leave?

May 23, 2016

I can't believe it's already the end of this amazing journey! Three weeks is really too short. This trip has been tough, beautiful, invigorating and full of new surprises. I'm going to miss the bustle of London and how much...

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From London to Dunfield

May 16, 2016

We've been at the Dunfield House in Kington, Herefordshire, for a week, and this is by far the best wifi signal I've gotten. We left London on Sunday and took a three hour bus ride to the middle of nowhere to be...

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To the Mothers of Graceland

May 6, 2016

To all you wonderful moms of Graceland students, now and in the future: First and foremost, Happy Mother’s Day! It’s kind of unbelievable that we only dedicate one day of the year specifically to you, considering all you do. You...

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England, I Love You

May 6, 2016

All the days are beginning to blur together. There is so much to do in such a short amount of time. Between experiencing everything and writing about it, it's hard to remember what day it is. So, here I am,...

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England Expedition: Day Two

May 4, 2016

First off, hot sauce is not a real thing here in Great Britain. When getting off of our flight, we worked our way through immigration — my first time — and it was very intimidating being asked numerous questions of where I...

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Graceland is more than a School, It’s a Family

May 3, 2016

There is no greater truth about Graceland University than its greatest cliché: what is special about Graceland is the people. As students, we hear time and time again how incredible the people of Graceland are – how the lasting friendships...

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England Expedition: Day One

May 2, 2016

We woke up early and piled into the busses. I'm not sure if I'm more anxious or excited at this point. Being in the airport has been a surreal feeling, and I'm not sure it has truly kicked in that...

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Graceland Student Government and YOU

February 17, 2016

Student leadership at Graceland University is a great way to get involved, be a part of a team, develop leadership skills and have your voice heard. But as everyone's favorite Uncle Ben Parker once said, “with great power comes great...

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Personal Responsibility, What?

February 9, 2016

An in-depth look at personal responsibilities would get you a really deep and personal understanding of what it means to be responsible in your own life. A cursory Google search will get you a short definition and a little bit...

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The Non-Atlhlete

February 4, 2016

A student athlete, by definition, is any student who has had eligibility, or who has previously been approved by a coach, for a sport for a given year. Excluding student coaches and managers, each student is accounted for once, despite...

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The Freshman 15

January 29, 2016

When you left for college, did you have people say to you, “watch out for that freshman 15?” If so, you probably just thought it was a joke or a myth, right? Well, unfortunately it is a very real problem...

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Top 5 Wins and Losses – Being a Student-Athlete in College

November 9, 2015

By definition, a “student-athlete” is a participant in an organized competitive sport sponsored by the educational institution in which he or she is enrolled. BUT… if you ask any of us, there’s way more to it. Being a student-athlete does...

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Tips and Tricks for Studying Your Way Through College!

October 30, 2015

By Hannah Krueger If you are anything like I was, you have probably noticed that college is a completely different ball game, in every way, from high school. When I started at Graceland in 2012, I thought I would be...

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Graceland Homecoming: It’s So Much Fun It Might Kill You

October 23, 2015

by Jayce Finnell “It’s so much fun it might kill you.” This is probably the scariest, yet most accurate way to describe Graceland University Homecoming. As a student who was just kicked in the face by Homecoming 2015, I have...

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