From the Board Chair: THE FUTURE IS NOW
Students — and their success — is the heart and soul of the “Graceland Experience.” Everything that happens on campus and in the whole community is focused on the development of our students and helping them become contributing citizens in our world. Students are providing the energy that identifies and pursues immediate opportunities to make a difference now; not in some distant future “when they grow up.” Come to Graceland and see all of this in action. It’s working.
We are proud of our Enactus program where students are encouraged through entrepreneurship to make a positive impact on their communities. Many universities have such a program, but the record clearly shows that Graceland ranks among the best of the best. Two quick examples: Enactus and Graceland sustainability advocates are partnering to aeroponically grow fresh produce for the local Lamoni Food Pantry and Funshine Learning Center, a day care center in Lamoni.
Enactus has also developed a software application for elementary school teachers, with just a voice command to the computer, to enable them to give their students “brain breaks.” The “breaks” are short exercises designed to energize and refresh young minds to help them focus on classwork.
Becoming a leader is not a spectator sport.
No one becomes a leader by watching from the sidelines.
The size of the student body, the intimacy, and social and spiritual values embedded throughout the campus community combine to open a buffet of leadership opportunities. Students direct the activities of their house organizations, athletic teams, campus clubs and student organizations. They learn what it takes to set goals, and to manage people and resources to make them real. At every turn, students can apply their learning. Each experience provides the training for the next challenge; a process that does not stop as they walk across the commencement stage to receive their diploma.
Graceland students do not wait around to have someone tell them how to think or what needs to change. They recognize that the world faces huge challenges that call for bold, creative and sustained action. With the support, guidance and encouragement of a caring faculty, staff and administration, Graceland students are creating the changes they want to see happen. There is a vibrant and dynamic driving spirit on campus that moves everyone past “what is” to “what should be.” Go Graceland!
Harry J. Ashenhurst, PhD, ’70
Chair, Graceland University Board of Trustees