Student leadership at Graceland University is a great way to get involved, be a part of a team, develop leadership skills and have your voice heard. But as everyone’s favorite Uncle Ben Parker once said, “with great power comes great responsibility,” and it is the Graceland student body that really benefits from a great leader.
Today the 2016-17 Graceland Student Government (GSG) elections come to an end with voting closing at 5 p.m. Leading up to all those cast ballots, candidates have had the opportunity to voice their biggest hopes and dreams for how they will lead the students of Graceland University; we all got the chance to hear them. But do you feel that your voice was heard as well?
As Graceland students, we each have our own set of hopes and dreams for our “Graceland Experience.” Our priorities and our goals are not all the same. And yet, taking on a Graceland Student Government position is not for all of us. So, how do we use our voices to influence our own experiences?
It is important to know that the GSG serves you. They are of you, by you and for you. It is their first job – before scheduling refs for IM games or deciding which comedian to bring to campus – to hear and represent you. Therefore, it is your job to represent yourself genuinely to those in the positions of “power.” You do not have to resort to posting complaints on Yik Yak… you have more control than that.
So, maybe you’re not interested in student government or leadership of any kind at all. That’s fine, but that’s the beauty of a republic. Take part in the election system by casting your vote to support the candidates you feel are the best choice to take on the great responsibility that comes with the power of their title. Then, maybe next year, you too will be inspired to lead.
Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility, and we all have a little bit of Peter Parker in us.
Carter Chapley ’17