There was much excitement as alumni got to explore the latest improvements on campus — the reimagined Newcom Student Union and The Swarm, and the incredible progress made on the Morden Center. Newcom Student Union officially opened in May 2020, but entering the
Great Room to check-in was the first time that many Graceland alumni got to lay eyes on the new building. Alumni reminisced over their mailboxes that were preserved in the construction and toured the refurbished structure in awe. The joy and celebration did not stop when the sun went down. On Friday, food trucks lined the circle drive and hundreds of students gathered alongside alumni to eat food, listen to music, and be in community.
Graceland celebrated double the honor classes this year because Homecoming 2020 was canceled due to the pandemic and those honor classes were unable to gather. With twice as many people to celebrate, Graceland was overjoyed to have them back.
For the first time in two years, live theatre also returned to Graceland. “The Great American Trailer Park Musical” directed by alumni Todd Davidson ’87 brought laughter, spunk, and music back to the Shaw Center stage. Alumni could also attend a music showcase put on by the music department with performances by Symphonic Band, Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, Harmonium and Orchestra.
On Saturday, Gracelanders gathered to celebrate the Morden Center dedication and tour the building to see the progress already made in phase one of this extensive renovation. At Sunday’s homecoming worship service, Director of Communications at Community of Christ International Headquarters and co-director of Spectacular Jennifer Glandon ’96 Killpack spoke to a crowded room in the Shaw Family Auditorium. A beautiful end to the weekend, Killpack shared about “Infinite Mystery” and concluded another amazing Graceland homecoming.
Julia Travis ’26 Closson, known best as “Judy,” was inducted into the Hall of Fame posthumously for her commitment to Graceland as a faculty member for 12 years and her help in expanding Graceland programs for women and for the college in general. She sponsored the Graceland Women’s Recreational Association and also developed a program that invited local high school girls to visit campus and participate with her classes in recreational activities, which turned out to be an effective recruiting tool for the college. Closson was always a supporter of Graceland, the college’s ideals, and the college community.
Matt Lynch ’05 was inducted into the Hall of Fame to honor his incredible basketball career as a guard at Graceland. He was a 1,000-point scorer and set the school record for steals in a single game, season, and career. He helped with sports camps and traveled with the coaching staff on recruiting trips to help bring in athletes who could help take the program to the next level.
The 1960 Men’s Cross Country Team was inducted into the Wall of Fame for winning the Missouri College Athletic Union Conference Championship and earning a second-place finish in the NAIA national meet. Led by Coach L.D. Weldon ’29, athletes Earl Detrick ’63 , Chuck Madden ’65, Dick Harrington ’64, Bruce Beck ’62 and Elbert Harrington ’64 carried Graceland to national fame in 1960, having previously posted a 9-1 season.
Features - Spring 22
April 25, 2022
Graceland's administration and Board of Trustees announced a new...
Features - Spring 22
April 21, 2022
In the annals of Graceland history, there are a...
Features - Spring 22
April 19, 2022
Gracelanders gathered around the north steps and listened to...
Features - Spring 22
April 18, 2022
The shiny mascot statue was last seen by the...
Features - Spring 22, Horizons - Spring 2022
April 15, 2022
From hosting its first virtual commencement exercise in the...