Helping others is a rewarding and beautiful experience. Not only do other people benefit, but you can benefit too. It will make you feel good about yourself, and actually make you happier. There are many opportunities to help out in Lamoni and at Graceland.
1. The Nursing Home
The elderly love getting visits from young people. Make someone’s day by going and spending some time with them, and talking to them. You can always learn something from their experiences, and maybe you can teach them something too.
2. Supply Closet
Unfortunately not everyone is lucky enough to be able to afford all of the food they need. Lamoni has a food pantry that is sponsored by the Methodist church, to help these people get what they need. Graceland also has a supply closet, which is like a food pantry but it has clothes and personal care items too. It is just for Graceland students. Sometimes they need volunteers to go help them sort things.
3. After school programs
The alley is where many young children go after school to work on homework, or just hangout while their parents are still at work. Working with kids there will have a positive impact on their lives as well as your own.
4. Recycling
There are some groups at Graceland and in Lamoni that focus on protecting the environment. Graceland has a club called the Trash Talkers that focuses on environmental efforts. Taking part in recycling drives will help keep landfills from growing, and make the Earth a cleaner and more livable place.
5. Thrift Center
The Lamoni Center needs volunteers to help them organize all of the donations they get. They provide affordable clothing to people who need it. It’s an easy and fun way to give back to the community.