Gifts to Graceland can take many forms. From straightforward cash gifts to real estate and estate planning, the generosity of Graceland’s alumni and friends has no bounds. Graceland has an estate planning attorney on retainer to answer questions and help you through the process.
Contact your development officer to see if our attorney can be of assistance to you.
Legal Name: Graceland University
Tax ID Number: #42-0707114
Incorporated in: Lamoni, IA
It is easy to support Graceland University. You can make a gift today by visiting our Make a Gift page, where you can find information about donating via credit card, donor-advised fund, by mail, or by phone.
Transferring appreciated stock provides the best tax advantage. Transferring the stock to Graceland’s broker avoids capital gains tax AND provides a charitable tax deduction. Use this form to transfer stock from your broker to our broker. Use this form to notify us of the stock transfer.
Consider donating your residence, commercial property, farm land or other real estate. Receive a tax deduction with no further rights or liabilities related to the property.
A Life Estate allows property to be donated and the donor retains interest in the property with rights to live in the property or receive income the property generates while the donor is still living. Taxes and expenses to maintain the property remain the obligation of the donor until their passing.
Give assets of value such as jewelry, autos, collections, equipment, or artwork. Assets valued over $5,000 require an appraisal for tax purposes.
Make a gift that pays you income for your lifetime. The contract can be for one or two people. A portion of your gift will be returned to you in fixed annuity payments based on your age and the American Council on Gift Annuities suggested rates. The remainder at your death will be used to support Graceland’s mission. A portion of the gift will qualify for a tax deduction in the year the gift annuity is executed. The annuity payments received may be partially tax exempt.
Make the gift now but defer receiving payments. The annuity payments can be considerably larger.
Make a gift and receive variable income based on the annual market value of the assets transferred.
Make a gift of trust income for a specified number of years. At the end of the term the trust assets revert back to the donor or designee. The trust assets can be transferred to children while greatly reducing gift taxes.
Include Graceland as a beneficiary on an existing policy, or purchase a whole life policy making Graceland the owner and beneficiary. Donate the annual premiums for Graceland to continue the policy until it is paid up.
Simply change your beneficiary on your IRA account to include Graceland University.
Include Graceland to receive a share of your estate in your will or trust as an amount or percentage.
Letter of Intent for Estate Gift
The official bequest language for Graceland University is: “I give [the sum, percentage, or description of property] to Graceland University, Lamoni, IA to be used for the benefit of [the name of the campus, college or program].” NOTE: Gifts may be designated to benefit existing funds, or (for gifts $50,000 and above) to create new endowed funds. In these cases, it would be appropriate to also add “in accordance with the terms of a separate Memorandum of Understanding.” Gifts may also be designated as unrestricted, in which case the phrase “to be used for its general tax exempt purposes but without other restrictions to use” may be substituted.