Nursing (Online)

Graceland University’s RN to BSN online program is designed for aspiring nurses seeking flexibility and career advancement.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN)

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Advance Your Career with Our Accredited Online BSN Program

Our online RN to BSN Nursing program in Graceland University’s School of Nursing includes specific areas of study and nursing curriculum allowing you to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) online, rather than face-to-face, in an organized and supportive learning environment.

RN to BSN programs are designed for those currently seeking their Registered Nurse Certification or those who already have it and allow for RNs to complete their BSN in a shorter, more structured timeframe.

Faculty and student support counselors in our nationally accredited RN to BSN online program at Graceland University in Independence, Missouri, will guide your every step from application to completion. The result is a quality nursing degree that will put you in high demand and set you up for success should you wish to pursue an MSN.

Field of Study
Online Campus
Recognized as a top online RN to BSN program in 2022 by Registered
RN To BSN Online Curriculum
  • BSN Degree – Nursing Major (RN-BSN Students)

    Registered Nurses looking for online BSN programs have several advanced placement options. Recent graduates of Iowa schools approved to participate in the Iowa Articulation Program may receive 64 s.h. of credit upon admission to Graceland. Students may also receive 64 s.h. of credit after successfully completing three Iowa Articulation courses that are offered at various community colleges in the state. Students from out of state may receive 28 s.h. of upper division escrow credit upon successful completion of NURS3460 Professionalism in Nursing and payment of recording fees for upper division courses. For complete information see School of Nursing brochure “articulation options”.

    The following required nursing courses will be met by the Iowa Articulation Program or escrow credit:

    Nursing courses required to be taken at Graceland:

    Required Supporting Courses:

    Courses Offered
    • BIOL2350Introduction to Microbiology
      BIOL2350 Introduction to Microbiology - 4 s.h.

      Students will learn about immunology, bacteriology, mycology, and virology. Emphasis will be placed on the cellular mechanisms and role of microbial pathogens (bacteria) and agents (viruses, prions) affecting human health and how they are treated. Credit is not allowed for this course and BIOL2360. Prerequisites: CHEM1330 or BIOL2100 or instructors consent or enrollment in the RN to BSN program.

    • BIOL3420Human Anatomy with Lab
      BIOL3420 Human Anatomy with Lab - 4 s.h.

      A study of gross human anatomy utilizing charts, three dimensional models, computer simulations, and dissection of mammalian animals. The course will discuss regional and surface anatomy to establish the relationships of the various organ systems of the body. Additional fee required. Prerequisites: BIOL2100 or PHED1500.

    • BIOL3440Human Physiology with Lab
      BIOL3440 Human Physiology with Lab - 4 s.h.

      A systems oriented study of the function of the human body on the cellular, tissue, organ, and organ-system levels with an emphasis on medical physiology. Laboratory includes computer simulations and use of Biopac equipment. Additional fee required. Prerequisites: BIOL3420 (grade of C or better strongly recommended) and one semester of chemistry or BIOL2100.

    • HLTH2560Nutrition
      HLTH2560 Nutrition - 3 s.h.

      A study the principles of nutrition as it relates to health, exercise, sports and disease. Students will be presented with applied content that includes research-based guidelines meant to help students differentiate between nutrition recommendations that are backed by science and the overabundance of false and misleading information. A grade of C or higher required to count toward the Allied Health major.

    • NURS2420Introduction to Nursing
      NURS2420 Introduction to Nursing - 3 s.h.

      Introduces the roles and responsibilities of professional nursing. Introduces students to the historical, economic, political and legal/ethical trends in nursing. Introduces concepts necessary for scholarly writing using APA formatting.

    • NURS3110Health Assessment for the Practicing Nurse
      NURS3110 Health Assessment for the Practicing Nurse - 3 s.h.

      Focuses on expanding assessment skills in current professional role. Systematic holistic nursing process approach to health history and physical examination for the purpose of differentiating normal from abnormal states of health and critical assessment of client needs in acute care and community settings. Application of concepts are facilitated in the virtual learning environment. (For online RN-BSN students only.)

    • NURS3120Fundamentals of Health Care
      NURS3120 Fundamentals of Health Care - 4 s.h.

      Introduction to basic concepts and psychomotor skills necessary to provide therapeutic interventions for individual clients. Laboratory and clinical experience provided. Prerequisites: NURS2420, 2460, 2470.

    • NURS3170Evidence Based Practice for Practicing Nurse
      NURS3170 Evidence Based Practice for Practicing Nurse - 3 s.h.

      Study of the evidence-based practice research process to develop informed consumers of nursing research. Exploration of the application of the research evidence to the health care environment. Prerequisites: RN-BSN students only, NURS3120, 3270, 3440, 3451.

    • NURS3250Adult Health Care I
      NURS3250 Adult Health Care I - 4 s.h.

      Focus on the development of abilities to manage the care of adults, at various life stages, in a variety of health care settings. Emphasis on person-centered communication and application of cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills in providing basic nursing care to clients and their families. Prerequisites: NURS3120, 3270, 3440, 3451.

    • NURS3260NURS3260 Adult Health Care II
      NURS3260 NURS3260 Adult Health Care II - 4 s.h.

      Focus on the development of abilities to manage the care of adults, at various life stages, in a variety of health care settings. Emphasis on person-centered communication and application of cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills in providing family centered nursing care to individuals and groups of clients. Prerequisites: NURS3120, 3270, 3440, 3451.

    • NURS3270Psychosocial Aspects of Client Care
      NURS3270 Psychosocial Aspects of Client Care - 4 s.h.

      Emphasis on promotion of healthy individual and family system responses to psychosocial stressors (violence, poverty, substance abuse). Psychopathology will be explored with opportunities to practice primary, secondary, and tertiary nursing interventions in the clinical setting. Prerequisites: NURS2420, 2460, 2470.

    • NURS3430Pathophysiology and Related Pharmacology
      NURS3430 Pathophysiology and Related Pharmacology - 3 s.h.

      Study of the concepts and altered processes of organs, cells, and biochemical functions of systems related to homeostasis, neural control and integration. Related pharmacology with application of principles to nursing practice will be integrated throughout.

    • NURS3460Professionalism in Nursing
      NURS3460 Professionalism in Nursing - 3 s.h.

      A transitional course to prepare the RN student for entry into baccalaureate nursing and continuing socialization into the profession. Exploration of major curricular and historical concepts. Prerequisite: Nursing major with junior standing.

    • NURS4160Leadership Roles in Nursing
      NURS4160 Leadership Roles in Nursing - 3 s.h.

      Examination of leadership, management, role, and change theories. Emphasis on acquiring the knowledge, skills, abilities, and resources required to lead an interdisciplinary team to achieve excellence and high quality outcomes. Prerequisites: Junior level nursing courses.

    • NURS4220Maternal and Newborn Care
      NURS4220 Maternal and Newborn Care - 4 s.h.

      Study of women's health across the lifespan with an emphasis on maternity/newborn care. Employs holistic approach to health promotion and intervention. Prerequisites: Junior level nursing courses. Prerequisites: NURS3170, 3250, 3260, 4340.

    • NURS4240Pediatric Nursing
      NURS4240 Pediatric Nursing - 4 s.h.

      NURS4240 Pediatric Nursing 4 s.h. Investigates a holistic, family focus on acute illness and health promotion for pediatric patients from birth through adolescence. An emphasis on developmental stages of childhood and nursing interventions within the home and acute care settings and the impact of societal and family decisions on childhood growth and development. Prerequisites: NURS4170, 4220, 4480.

    • NURS4280Global Health and Policy Issues
      NURS4280 Global Health and Policy Issues - 3 s.h.

      The course focuses on an analysis of the forces shaping our community and global health patterns. Drawing on multidisciplinary sources, this course explores the impact of these global processes as they manifest in the health of our own and other societies. Emphasis is placed on analysis of the broad cultural, environmental, social-economic, and political systems that contribute to health status and outcomes, health policies, and health care delivery around the world.

    • NURS4350Population Health Nursing
      NURS4350 Population Health Nursing - 3 s.h.

      NURS4350 Population Health Nursing 3 s.h. Emphasis on the community as client and population groups within the community, including a comprehensive community assessment, the exploration of epidemiology, disaster nursing, community-focused health promotion, and prevention within sociopolitical environment.

    • NURS4411Informatics for the Practicing Nurse
      NURS4411 Informatics for the Practicing Nurse - 2 s.h.

      This course builds on a basic understanding of technology as it relates to nursing and electronic healthcare systems. The content will prepare students to effectively and efficiently use technology to identify and manage health care information and data.

    • NURS4420Current Issues in Healthcare
      NURS4420 Current Issues in Healthcare - 2 s.h.

      Continuing exploration of current health care issues facing the nursing profession using a critical thinking process designed to move the RN student into the professional baccalaureate role for practice in the 21st century. Prerequisites: Nursing major with senior standing and NURS3460.

    • NURS4460Senior Capstone
      NURS4460 Senior Capstone - 3 s.h.

      Synthesize new knowledge with past knowledge and skills to provide a higher level of indirect and/or direct care to clients in a variety of health care environments. Integrate knowledge from prior courses to develop, implement, and evaluate a project with the intention of improving health outcomes for individuals, families, groups, communities, or populations. Prerequisite: NURS4160.

    • PSYC1300Introductory Psychology
      PSYC1300 Introductory Psychology - 3 s.h.

      An introductory survey of psychological methods and thoughts as they relate to human experience and behavior. Topics include the role of the central nervous system in mediating behavior, learning and memory, states of awareness, motivation and emotion, personality, psychological disorders, and therapy. ELO5 Social Science – Innovation, GE3E Liberal Learning-Social Sciences.

    • PSYC2250Developmental Psychology
      PSYC2250 Developmental Psychology - 3 s.h.

      The study of human development over the entire lifespan. Focus is on the interaction of physical, intellectual, social, and emotional aspects of development. ELO5 Social Science - Equality, ELO5 Social Science - Equality and Peace, GE3E Liberal Learning-Social Sciences

    • SOCI1300Introduction to Sociology
      SOCI1300 Introduction to Sociology - 3 s.h.

      Introduction to the perspective of sociology, its basic concepts and principles and an overview of the field.Includes study of social classes, sex roles, crime and deviance, socialization, social movements and others. ELO5 Social Science - Equality, ELO5 Social Science - Equality and Peace

    • SOCI1350Cultural Anthropology
      SOCI1350 Cultural Anthropology - 3 s.h.

      Survey and analysis of diverse cultural patterns. +This course is only offered every other year.

    BIOL2350Introduction to Microbiology BIOL3420Human Anatomy with Lab BIOL3440Human Physiology with Lab HLTH2560Nutrition NURS2420Introduction to Nursing NURS3110Health Assessment for the Practicing Nurse NURS3120Fundamentals of Health Care NURS3170Evidence Based Practice for Practicing Nurse NURS3250Adult Health Care I NURS3260NURS3260 Adult Health Care II NURS3270Psychosocial Aspects of Client Care NURS3430Pathophysiology and Related Pharmacology NURS3460Professionalism in Nursing NURS4160Leadership Roles in Nursing NURS4220Maternal and Newborn Care NURS4240Pediatric Nursing NURS4280Global Health and Policy Issues NURS4350Population Health Nursing NURS4411Informatics for the Practicing Nurse NURS4420Current Issues in Healthcare NURS4460Senior Capstone PSYC1300Introductory Psychology PSYC2250Developmental Psychology SOCI1300Introduction to Sociology SOCI1350Cultural Anthropology
    Course Descriptions
    BIOL2350 Introduction to Microbiology - 4 s.h.

    Students will learn about immunology, bacteriology, mycology, and virology. Emphasis will be placed on the cellular mechanisms and role of microbial pathogens (bacteria) and agents (viruses, prions) affecting human health and how they are treated. Credit is not allowed for this course and BIOL2360. Prerequisites: CHEM1330 or BIOL2100 or instructors consent or enrollment in the RN to BSN program.

    BIOL3420 Human Anatomy with Lab - 4 s.h.

    A study of gross human anatomy utilizing charts, three dimensional models, computer simulations, and dissection of mammalian animals. The course will discuss regional and surface anatomy to establish the relationships of the various organ systems of the body. Additional fee required. Prerequisites: BIOL2100 or PHED1500.

    BIOL3440 Human Physiology with Lab - 4 s.h.

    A systems oriented study of the function of the human body on the cellular, tissue, organ, and organ-system levels with an emphasis on medical physiology. Laboratory includes computer simulations and use of Biopac equipment. Additional fee required. Prerequisites: BIOL3420 (grade of C or better strongly recommended) and one semester of chemistry or BIOL2100.

    HLTH2560 Nutrition - 3 s.h.

    A study the principles of nutrition as it relates to health, exercise, sports and disease. Students will be presented with applied content that includes research-based guidelines meant to help students differentiate between nutrition recommendations that are backed by science and the overabundance of false and misleading information. A grade of C or higher required to count toward the Allied Health major.

    NURS2420 Introduction to Nursing - 3 s.h.

    Introduces the roles and responsibilities of professional nursing. Introduces students to the historical, economic, political and legal/ethical trends in nursing. Introduces concepts necessary for scholarly writing using APA formatting.

    NURS3110 Health Assessment for the Practicing Nurse - 3 s.h.

    Focuses on expanding assessment skills in current professional role. Systematic holistic nursing process approach to health history and physical examination for the purpose of differentiating normal from abnormal states of health and critical assessment of client needs in acute care and community settings. Application of concepts are facilitated in the virtual learning environment. (For online RN-BSN students only.)

    NURS3120 Fundamentals of Health Care - 4 s.h.

    Introduction to basic concepts and psychomotor skills necessary to provide therapeutic interventions for individual clients. Laboratory and clinical experience provided. Prerequisites: NURS2420, 2460, 2470.

    NURS3170 Evidence Based Practice for Practicing Nurse - 3 s.h.

    Study of the evidence-based practice research process to develop informed consumers of nursing research. Exploration of the application of the research evidence to the health care environment. Prerequisites: RN-BSN students only, NURS3120, 3270, 3440, 3451.

    NURS3250 Adult Health Care I - 4 s.h.

    Focus on the development of abilities to manage the care of adults, at various life stages, in a variety of health care settings. Emphasis on person-centered communication and application of cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills in providing basic nursing care to clients and their families. Prerequisites: NURS3120, 3270, 3440, 3451.

    NURS3260 NURS3260 Adult Health Care II - 4 s.h.

    Focus on the development of abilities to manage the care of adults, at various life stages, in a variety of health care settings. Emphasis on person-centered communication and application of cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills in providing family centered nursing care to individuals and groups of clients. Prerequisites: NURS3120, 3270, 3440, 3451.

    NURS3270 Psychosocial Aspects of Client Care - 4 s.h.

    Emphasis on promotion of healthy individual and family system responses to psychosocial stressors (violence, poverty, substance abuse). Psychopathology will be explored with opportunities to practice primary, secondary, and tertiary nursing interventions in the clinical setting. Prerequisites: NURS2420, 2460, 2470.

    NURS3430 Pathophysiology and Related Pharmacology - 3 s.h.

    Study of the concepts and altered processes of organs, cells, and biochemical functions of systems related to homeostasis, neural control and integration. Related pharmacology with application of principles to nursing practice will be integrated throughout.

    NURS3460 Professionalism in Nursing - 3 s.h.

    A transitional course to prepare the RN student for entry into baccalaureate nursing and continuing socialization into the profession. Exploration of major curricular and historical concepts. Prerequisite: Nursing major with junior standing.

    NURS4160 Leadership Roles in Nursing - 3 s.h.

    Examination of leadership, management, role, and change theories. Emphasis on acquiring the knowledge, skills, abilities, and resources required to lead an interdisciplinary team to achieve excellence and high quality outcomes. Prerequisites: Junior level nursing courses.

    NURS4220 Maternal and Newborn Care - 4 s.h.

    Study of women's health across the lifespan with an emphasis on maternity/newborn care. Employs holistic approach to health promotion and intervention. Prerequisites: Junior level nursing courses. Prerequisites: NURS3170, 3250, 3260, 4340.

    NURS4240 Pediatric Nursing - 4 s.h.

    NURS4240 Pediatric Nursing 4 s.h. Investigates a holistic, family focus on acute illness and health promotion for pediatric patients from birth through adolescence. An emphasis on developmental stages of childhood and nursing interventions within the home and acute care settings and the impact of societal and family decisions on childhood growth and development. Prerequisites: NURS4170, 4220, 4480.

    NURS4280 Global Health and Policy Issues - 3 s.h.

    The course focuses on an analysis of the forces shaping our community and global health patterns. Drawing on multidisciplinary sources, this course explores the impact of these global processes as they manifest in the health of our own and other societies. Emphasis is placed on analysis of the broad cultural, environmental, social-economic, and political systems that contribute to health status and outcomes, health policies, and health care delivery around the world.

    NURS4350 Population Health Nursing - 3 s.h.

    NURS4350 Population Health Nursing 3 s.h. Emphasis on the community as client and population groups within the community, including a comprehensive community assessment, the exploration of epidemiology, disaster nursing, community-focused health promotion, and prevention within sociopolitical environment.

    NURS4411 Informatics for the Practicing Nurse - 2 s.h.

    This course builds on a basic understanding of technology as it relates to nursing and electronic healthcare systems. The content will prepare students to effectively and efficiently use technology to identify and manage health care information and data.

    NURS4420 Current Issues in Healthcare - 2 s.h.

    Continuing exploration of current health care issues facing the nursing profession using a critical thinking process designed to move the RN student into the professional baccalaureate role for practice in the 21st century. Prerequisites: Nursing major with senior standing and NURS3460.

    NURS4460 Senior Capstone - 3 s.h.

    Synthesize new knowledge with past knowledge and skills to provide a higher level of indirect and/or direct care to clients in a variety of health care environments. Integrate knowledge from prior courses to develop, implement, and evaluate a project with the intention of improving health outcomes for individuals, families, groups, communities, or populations. Prerequisite: NURS4160.

    PSYC1300 Introductory Psychology - 3 s.h.

    An introductory survey of psychological methods and thoughts as they relate to human experience and behavior. Topics include the role of the central nervous system in mediating behavior, learning and memory, states of awareness, motivation and emotion, personality, psychological disorders, and therapy. ELO5 Social Science – Innovation, GE3E Liberal Learning-Social Sciences.

    PSYC2250 Developmental Psychology - 3 s.h.

    The study of human development over the entire lifespan. Focus is on the interaction of physical, intellectual, social, and emotional aspects of development. ELO5 Social Science - Equality, ELO5 Social Science - Equality and Peace, GE3E Liberal Learning-Social Sciences

    SOCI1300 Introduction to Sociology - 3 s.h.

    Introduction to the perspective of sociology, its basic concepts and principles and an overview of the field.Includes study of social classes, sex roles, crime and deviance, socialization, social movements and others. ELO5 Social Science - Equality, ELO5 Social Science - Equality and Peace

    SOCI1350 Cultural Anthropology - 3 s.h.

    Survey and analysis of diverse cultural patterns. +This course is only offered every other year.

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Hear From Our Nursing Students
A Graceland instructor shared this advice and it has stuck with me throughout my career: It takes a nurse to save your life. I am the eyes at the bedside for the doctors. I assess and must have the knowledge to point out when something doesn't seem right. People come to me not feeling their best. I'm here to be a voice for them, to be an advocate for them, to get them back to feeling their best.
Krishelle Ivory, FNP '10 Nurse Practitioner, Liberty Care Center, Spira Care Nursing
Exceptional Faculty
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Combined BSN-MSN Program

Save time, and money by taking the combined online BSN-MSN program.

By taking the combined program, you will eliminate two courses and receive automatic acceptance into the master’s of nursing program.

The combined BSN-MSN program is available in three career options: Family Nurse Practitioner, Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner.

If you are enrolled in this online RN to BSN to MSN program, you will have the option to “stop out” if you desire and earn a BSN only


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Tuition - RN-BSN Programs$515.00 per semester hour
Partnership tuition Reduction20%
Clinical Resource Fee (Up-to-date database)(assessed in June)$25.00 per year
Late Registration Fee (nonrefundable)$100.00 per occurrence
Program Support Fee (online courses)$18 per course
Recording Fees - CLEP, DANTES, Excelsior exams (nonrefundable)$20 per semester hour
Re-Sequencing Fee (nonrefundable)$100 per occurrence
Research Fee - NURS3160 Intro to Evidence Based Nursing$50 per course

Why Online Nursing at Graceland?

Our focus is on providing an education that fits you and the world we live in. With distance learning programs that have been in place for decades, Graceland’s nationally acclaimed School of Nursing is uniquely positioned to offer online programs tailor-made for today.

We developed these online degree programs — Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), RN to BSN to MSN, Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with multiple specialty tracks, and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) — in a convenient and flexible format, so you can focus on advancing your nursing career and meet the demands of work and home.

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School of Nursing

Our nursing and online nursing programs offer prospective students a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate-level degrees. From face-to-face instruction to online learning, the Graceland School of Nursing’s outstanding faculty and staff are eager to assist you in reaching your goals, whatever they may be. Whether you are beginning a career in nursing or advancing your nursing career, we are dedicated to preparing professional nurses to meet the healthcare needs of our communities.


Our Nationally Accredited RN, BSN, and Other Nursing Degrees and Programs

Nursing Face-to-Face
Nursing Online
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Family Nurse Practitioner
Adult & Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
Postgraduate Nurse Educator
Doctor of Physical Therapy – Hybrid

Contact me about this program!
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