Secondary Education

Dive into technology, psychology, and hands-on learning for a rewarding teaching degree from Graceland University. All secondary education candidates must complete at least one teaching major.

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Make an Impact on the Next Generation with a Secondary Education Degree

Graceland's secondary education degree program is noted for excellence in providing a technology emphasis, psychological and sociological foundations, and learning theory for a rewarding career in teaching. Typically, secondary education refers to grades 9-12 or 7-12 depending on the district. Often referred to as 'high school,' these grades are primarily focused on liberal arts, forming productive citizens, and college preparation.

A secondary education degree involves the bulk of training required to teach in public schools. Students will experience general education classes, as well as specified classes, and in-field work. Beginning in the sophomore year, coursework is balanced by extensive field experiences in both public and private schools. Candidates also have the option for international student teaching placements.

Our secondary education programs are built to put great teachers out into the workforce to mold the students of our future.

Field of Study
Lamoni Campus
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Hands down, the best part about Graceland is the people that I have met while being here. Saying Graceland is a welcoming and loving community sounds pretty cliché, but it’s true. There are so many incredible human beings walking around on this campus, and I feel eternally blessed to be a part of such an incredible environment.
Abby Karlis '21 Women's Volleyball, Enactus, Academic Student Council Board, Peer Mentor Elementary Education
  • BA Degree - Secondary Education

    Secondary Education Requirements:

    *Majors in Art or Physical Education/Health (obtaining K-8 and 7-12 endorsements) will substitute EDUC3730 Combination K-6 and 7-12 Education Practicum for EDUC3720. Secondary subject-area majors (including Art, Physical Education/Health) with a 5-12 Mild/Moderate Special Education endorsement must substitute EDUC3550 Mild/Moderate Special Education Practicum for EDUC3720 and EDUC3730. Secondary candidates with more than one 5-12 teaching major should have a practicum for each major to meet the pre-student teaching requirement of the state of Iowa for teaching majors. Candidates with more than one 5-12 teaching major obtaining a 5-12 Mild/Moderate Special Education endorsement will substitute EDUC3550 Mild/Moderate Special Education Practicum for one of the majors.

    **Students with a concentration in 5-12 Mild/Moderate Special Education should substitute EDUC4470 Secondary and Mild/Moderate Student Teaching.

    Secondary Education Major Requirements
    All secondary education major candidates must complete at least one teaching major (listed below). If Graceland does not have the major, the candidate must complete requirements necessary for any 5-12 secondary teaching field listed under the Secondary (5-12) Teaching Fields. The University offers the following secondary education teaching major endorsements (see the corresponding departmental section of the catalog for specific major requirements):

    Secondary (5-12) Teaching Fields:
    In addition to the secondary education major, students may seek endorsements for the following secondary (5-12) teaching fields:

    Secondary education students majoring in any teaching major, who desire Iowa Teacher Certification with endorsements in K-8 Mild/Moderate Special Education and/or 5-12 Mild/Moderate Special Education, must complete the Secondary Teacher Education Major and the appropriate concentration.

    Combination Program (K-8 and 5-12 grade level)

    A secondary education student majoring in Art or Physical Education/Health may also complete a modified Teacher Education program adding an elementary level endorsement in the same field (e.g., secondary and elementary art).

    Combination Requirements and Modifications

    Art or Physical Education/Health Majors desiring a K-8 endorsement must complete the Secondary Education Program (5-12 grade-level requirements), the K-8 endorsement requirements in the same area and EDUC4450 Combination Student Teaching.

    • Note: This combination includes 14 s.h. of student teaching credit, 7 s.h. elementary and 7 s.h. secondary.

    *Majors in Art or Physical Education/Health (obtaining K-8 and 7-12 endorsements) will substitute EDUC3730 Combination K-6 and 7-12 Education Practicum for EDUC3720. Secondary subject-area majors (including Art, Physical Education/Health) with a 5-12 Mild/Moderate Special Education endorsement must substitute EDUC3550 Mild/Moderate Special Education Practicum for EDUC3720 and EDUC3730. Secondary candidates with more than one 5-12 teaching major should have a practicum for each major to meet the pre-student teaching requirement of the state of Iowa for teaching majors. Candidates with more than one 5-12 teaching major obtaining a 5-12 Mild/Moderate Special Education endorsement will substitute EDUC3550 Mild/Moderate Special Education Practicum for one of the majors.

    Courses Offered
    • EDUC1300Introduction to Education
      EDUC1300 Introduction to Education - 3 s.h.

      Emphasis is upon social, historical, and philosophical foundations of education; ethics; reflection; and professional development. Includes a series of observation and teaching activities in a variety of P-12 classroom settings monitored by licensed professional educators as well as university faculty. Students must earn a grade of C or higher in this class for admittance into Teacher Education and to enroll in junior-level education classes. (Additional background check fee required.)

    • EDUC1410Clinical Experience Lab
      EDUC1410 Clinical Experience Lab - 1 s.h.

      A robust series of well-sequenced early clinical field experiences that connect to and integrate the content of EDUC1400. Students will observe and participate in teaching activities in a variety of P-12 classroom settings monitored by licensed professional educators as well as university faculty. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    • EDUC2120Human Relations
      EDUC2120 Human Relations - 3 s.h.

      Analysis of various societal subgroups and how such groups recognize and deal with dehumanizing biases. Students learn to relate effectively to various groups to foster understanding and respect for equity, diversity, and inclusion. Emphasis on self-awareness in human relations issues and how this awareness can be translated into positive relationships. Introduction to ethnographic analysis and pedagogical, curricular, and social considerations involved in working with and educating various societal subgroups. ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action - Equality, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action - Equality and Peace, GE3E Liberal Learning-Social Sciences

    • EDUC2420Teacher Education Entry Workshop
      EDUC2420 Teacher Education Entry Workshop - 0.0 s.h.

      Acquire information pertaining to teacher education requirements and candidate responsibilities for the program assessment system. Take the GSOE entrance assessment, PRAXIS II preparation plan, among other requirements for program participation. Required for all transfer students during their first semester or term at Graceland. (Additional E-Portfolio fee required. Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    • EDUC3520General Secondary Methods and Content Reading
      EDUC3520 General Secondary Methods and Content Reading - 3 s.h.

      Study of theory and research related to content area reading in the secondary school. Apply techniques for evaluating textbooks, assessing achievement, improving comprehension and critical thinking, enhancing study skills, and developing vocabulary. Prerequisite: Admittance into Teacher Education, unless part of an approved Liberal Studies Program, EDUC3590.

    • EDUC3542Secondary Education Methods Lab
      EDUC3542 Secondary Education Methods Lab - 1 s.h.

      Students apply curriculum planning and instructional strategies within their specified content in a pre-student teaching clinical experience. Students are placed in a content specific classroom to gain experience with classroom instruction. Prerequisite: Admittance into Teacher Education, unless part of an approved Interdisciplinary Studies Program. Co-requisite: EDUC3520.

    • EDUC35507–12 Mild/Moderate Special Education Practicum
      EDUC3550 7–12 Mild/Moderate Special Education Practicum - 1-2 s.h.

      A two-week practicum in Mild/Moderate Special Education Programs in secondary schools. Prerequisites: EDUC3200, EDUC3230. Admittance into Teacher Education required. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    • EDUC3580Education of Exceptional Child and Adult
      EDUC3580 Education of Exceptional Child and Adult - 3 s.h.

      Examine the philosophical, historical and legal bases for special education, including the definitions and etiologies of individuals with disabilities and exceptional learning needs. Study gifted individuals and those with exceptional needs from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Prerequisites: EDUC1300.

    • EDUC3590Educational Psychology
      EDUC3590 Educational Psychology - 3 s.h.

      An introduction to the theories and practices connecting psychology and education. The course addresses the social contexts of child development (0-adult), classroom culture, learning, individual differences, social-emotional learning, and their implications related to physical, emotional, and cognitive development of children and the impact on learning. Measurement strategies are introduced and provide an understanding of classroom, local, state, and national assessments.  Prerequisite: EDUC1300

    • EDUC37207-12 Secondary Education Practicum
      EDUC3720 7-12 Secondary Education Practicum - 1-2 s.h.

      A required two-week internship for Secondary Teacher Education Program. Interns have full-day placements in secondary school subject-area programs. Pre or Corequisite: subject-area methods class or EDUC3520. Admittance into Teacher Education required. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    • EDUC3730Combination K-6 and 7-12 Education Practicum
      EDUC3730 Combination K-6 and 7-12 Education Practicum - 1-2 s.h.

      Candidates with majors in art, music, and physical education complete two weeks of internship in art, music, or physical education. Interns have full-day placement with half of experience at the secondary level and half at the elementary level. Pre or Corequisite: subject-area methods courses or EDUC3520. Admittance into Teacher Education required. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    • EDUC4250Professional Practice Seminar
      EDUC4250 Professional Practice Seminar - 3 s.h.

      Designed for Elementary and Secondary Education teacher candidates with a focus on preparation for professional practice. The integrated study of professional ethics, legal frameworks, and pedagogical responsibilities in and out of the classroom. Emphasis on the assessment of students’ diverse needs and application of effective and culturally relevant instructional and classroom management strategies. An introduction to the Model Code of Ethics for Educators and the Iowa Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics frameworks and their role in professional decision-making.   Prerequisites: admittance into Teacher Education, unless part of an approved Liberal Studies Program. Enroll during the semester that precedes student teaching.

    • EDUC4380Capstone Seminar
      EDUC4380 Capstone Seminar - 0.0 s.h.

      The seminar is designed to promote a successful transition to student teaching and to provide a forum for peer support. Topics will center on discussions and assignments that merge education program coursework knowledge and teaching practice. The seminar is also designed to assist candidates as they apply for an initial Iowa teaching license and begin the job search. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    • EDUC4420Secondary Student Teaching (7-12)
      EDUC4420 Secondary Student Teaching (7-12) - 6-14 s.h.

      Secondary Education Candidates complete 14 weeks of secondary student teaching in accordance with the policies in the Teacher Education Handbook. Additional fee required. Prerequisites: Senior standing, admittance into Teacher Education, and approval for student teaching. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.) * If a candidate with more than one teaching major completes 14 semester hours of student teaching for one major (or endorsements that require student teaching), an additional six semester hours of student teaching will meet the student teaching requirement for the asterisked second teaching major.

    • EDUC4450Combination K-6 and 7-12 Student Teaching
      EDUC4450 Combination K-6 and 7-12 Student Teaching - 6-14 s.h.

      Candidates with majors in art, music, and physical education complete 14 weeks of student teaching in art, music, or physical education. Half (7 s.h.) of the experience is secondary level and half is elementary level. Additional fee required. Prerequisites: Senior standing, admittance into Teacher Education, and approval for student teaching. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    • EDUC4470Secondary and Mild/Moderate Student Teaching
      EDUC4470 Secondary and Mild/Moderate Student Teaching - 6-14 s.h.

      Secondary Education Candidates complete 14 weeks of student teaching to include placements in a mild/moderate special education setting and a secondary subject area classroom. This course substitutes for EDUC4420. Additional fee required. Prerequisites: Senior standing, admittance into Teacher Education, and approval for student teaching. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.) ***This is the only student teaching course required for secondary majors completing the K-12 Mild/Moderate Special Education endorsement.

    • EDUC4480Elementary and Secondary Mild/Moderate Student Teaching
      EDUC4480 Elementary and Secondary Mild/Moderate Student Teaching - 6-14 s.h.

      Elementary Education Majors complete 14 weeks of student teaching. Will include a placement in a secondary mild/moderate special education setting and a mainstream elementary classroom. Additional fee required. Prerequisites: Senior standing, admittance into Teacher Education, and approval for student teaching. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    • PSYC2250Developmental Psychology
      PSYC2250 Developmental Psychology - 3 s.h.

      The study of human development over the entire lifespan. Focus is on the interaction of physical, intellectual, social, and emotional aspects of development. ELO5 Social Science - Equality, ELO5 Social Science - Equality and Peace, GE3E Liberal Learning-Social Sciences

    EDUC1300Introduction to Education EDUC1410Clinical Experience Lab EDUC2120Human Relations EDUC2420Teacher Education Entry Workshop EDUC3520General Secondary Methods and Content Reading EDUC3542Secondary Education Methods Lab EDUC35507–12 Mild/Moderate Special Education Practicum EDUC3580Education of Exceptional Child and Adult EDUC3590Educational Psychology EDUC37207-12 Secondary Education Practicum EDUC3730Combination K-6 and 7-12 Education Practicum EDUC4250Professional Practice Seminar EDUC4380Capstone Seminar EDUC4420Secondary Student Teaching (7-12) EDUC4450Combination K-6 and 7-12 Student Teaching EDUC4470Secondary and Mild/Moderate Student Teaching EDUC4480Elementary and Secondary Mild/Moderate Student Teaching PSYC2250Developmental Psychology
    Course Descriptions
    EDUC1300 Introduction to Education - 3 s.h.

    Emphasis is upon social, historical, and philosophical foundations of education; ethics; reflection; and professional development. Includes a series of observation and teaching activities in a variety of P-12 classroom settings monitored by licensed professional educators as well as university faculty. Students must earn a grade of C or higher in this class for admittance into Teacher Education and to enroll in junior-level education classes. (Additional background check fee required.)

    EDUC1410 Clinical Experience Lab - 1 s.h.

    A robust series of well-sequenced early clinical field experiences that connect to and integrate the content of EDUC1400. Students will observe and participate in teaching activities in a variety of P-12 classroom settings monitored by licensed professional educators as well as university faculty. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    EDUC2120 Human Relations - 3 s.h.

    Analysis of various societal subgroups and how such groups recognize and deal with dehumanizing biases. Students learn to relate effectively to various groups to foster understanding and respect for equity, diversity, and inclusion. Emphasis on self-awareness in human relations issues and how this awareness can be translated into positive relationships. Introduction to ethnographic analysis and pedagogical, curricular, and social considerations involved in working with and educating various societal subgroups. ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action - Equality, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action - Equality and Peace, GE3E Liberal Learning-Social Sciences

    EDUC2420 Teacher Education Entry Workshop - 0.0 s.h.

    Acquire information pertaining to teacher education requirements and candidate responsibilities for the program assessment system. Take the GSOE entrance assessment, PRAXIS II preparation plan, among other requirements for program participation. Required for all transfer students during their first semester or term at Graceland. (Additional E-Portfolio fee required. Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    EDUC3520 General Secondary Methods and Content Reading - 3 s.h.

    Study of theory and research related to content area reading in the secondary school. Apply techniques for evaluating textbooks, assessing achievement, improving comprehension and critical thinking, enhancing study skills, and developing vocabulary. Prerequisite: Admittance into Teacher Education, unless part of an approved Liberal Studies Program, EDUC3590.

    EDUC3542 Secondary Education Methods Lab - 1 s.h.

    Students apply curriculum planning and instructional strategies within their specified content in a pre-student teaching clinical experience. Students are placed in a content specific classroom to gain experience with classroom instruction. Prerequisite: Admittance into Teacher Education, unless part of an approved Interdisciplinary Studies Program. Co-requisite: EDUC3520.

    EDUC3550 7–12 Mild/Moderate Special Education Practicum - 1-2 s.h.

    A two-week practicum in Mild/Moderate Special Education Programs in secondary schools. Prerequisites: EDUC3200, EDUC3230. Admittance into Teacher Education required. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    EDUC3580 Education of Exceptional Child and Adult - 3 s.h.

    Examine the philosophical, historical and legal bases for special education, including the definitions and etiologies of individuals with disabilities and exceptional learning needs. Study gifted individuals and those with exceptional needs from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Prerequisites: EDUC1300.

    EDUC3590 Educational Psychology - 3 s.h.

    An introduction to the theories and practices connecting psychology and education. The course addresses the social contexts of child development (0-adult), classroom culture, learning, individual differences, social-emotional learning, and their implications related to physical, emotional, and cognitive development of children and the impact on learning. Measurement strategies are introduced and provide an understanding of classroom, local, state, and national assessments.  Prerequisite: EDUC1300

    EDUC3720 7-12 Secondary Education Practicum - 1-2 s.h.

    A required two-week internship for Secondary Teacher Education Program. Interns have full-day placements in secondary school subject-area programs. Pre or Corequisite: subject-area methods class or EDUC3520. Admittance into Teacher Education required. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    EDUC3730 Combination K-6 and 7-12 Education Practicum - 1-2 s.h.

    Candidates with majors in art, music, and physical education complete two weeks of internship in art, music, or physical education. Interns have full-day placement with half of experience at the secondary level and half at the elementary level. Pre or Corequisite: subject-area methods courses or EDUC3520. Admittance into Teacher Education required. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    EDUC4250 Professional Practice Seminar - 3 s.h.

    Designed for Elementary and Secondary Education teacher candidates with a focus on preparation for professional practice. The integrated study of professional ethics, legal frameworks, and pedagogical responsibilities in and out of the classroom. Emphasis on the assessment of students’ diverse needs and application of effective and culturally relevant instructional and classroom management strategies. An introduction to the Model Code of Ethics for Educators and the Iowa Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics frameworks and their role in professional decision-making.   Prerequisites: admittance into Teacher Education, unless part of an approved Liberal Studies Program. Enroll during the semester that precedes student teaching.

    EDUC4380 Capstone Seminar - 0.0 s.h.

    The seminar is designed to promote a successful transition to student teaching and to provide a forum for peer support. Topics will center on discussions and assignments that merge education program coursework knowledge and teaching practice. The seminar is also designed to assist candidates as they apply for an initial Iowa teaching license and begin the job search. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    EDUC4420 Secondary Student Teaching (7-12) - 6-14 s.h.

    Secondary Education Candidates complete 14 weeks of secondary student teaching in accordance with the policies in the Teacher Education Handbook. Additional fee required. Prerequisites: Senior standing, admittance into Teacher Education, and approval for student teaching. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.) * If a candidate with more than one teaching major completes 14 semester hours of student teaching for one major (or endorsements that require student teaching), an additional six semester hours of student teaching will meet the student teaching requirement for the asterisked second teaching major.

    EDUC4450 Combination K-6 and 7-12 Student Teaching - 6-14 s.h.

    Candidates with majors in art, music, and physical education complete 14 weeks of student teaching in art, music, or physical education. Half (7 s.h.) of the experience is secondary level and half is elementary level. Additional fee required. Prerequisites: Senior standing, admittance into Teacher Education, and approval for student teaching. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    EDUC4470 Secondary and Mild/Moderate Student Teaching - 6-14 s.h.

    Secondary Education Candidates complete 14 weeks of student teaching to include placements in a mild/moderate special education setting and a secondary subject area classroom. This course substitutes for EDUC4420. Additional fee required. Prerequisites: Senior standing, admittance into Teacher Education, and approval for student teaching. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.) ***This is the only student teaching course required for secondary majors completing the K-12 Mild/Moderate Special Education endorsement.

    EDUC4480 Elementary and Secondary Mild/Moderate Student Teaching - 6-14 s.h.

    Elementary Education Majors complete 14 weeks of student teaching. Will include a placement in a secondary mild/moderate special education setting and a mainstream elementary classroom. Additional fee required. Prerequisites: Senior standing, admittance into Teacher Education, and approval for student teaching. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

    PSYC2250 Developmental Psychology - 3 s.h.

    The study of human development over the entire lifespan. Focus is on the interaction of physical, intellectual, social, and emotional aspects of development. ELO5 Social Science - Equality, ELO5 Social Science - Equality and Peace, GE3E Liberal Learning-Social Sciences

School of Education Faculty
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closeup of smiling student in classroom

Entry to Teacher Education

In order to be accepted into the Education degree Teacher Education program, students must…

  1. Submit an application to the Teacher Education program,
  2. Complete and submit a graduation plan
  3. Earn and maintain a minimum Graceland University GPA of 2.75
  4. Earn a grade of “C” or higher in all education courses
  5. Successful completion of EDUC1300 Introduction to Education OR an approved Introduction to Education and EDUC1410 Clinical Experience Lab
  6. Submit and disclose revoked or suspended education-related licenses (e.g. para-educator, coaching, etc.) and/or any criminal convictions
  7. Undergo periodic state background checks
  8. Submit three professional/faculty references (two of which must come from GSOE faculty)

Students must apply and be accepted by the school of education separately from applying to and being accepted to Graceland University. This process happens after students begin taking on-campus coursework in education and will receive on campus guidance through the application process.

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Students talking post graduation

Student Teaching

Student Teaching is the capstone clinical field experience during which time students take what they have learned in the classroom and apply it to a real word school setting such as a high school or elementary school. Student teaching is 70 consecutive days long. During this experience in an accredited school classroom, students will gradually assume full-time teaching duties under the supervision of the cooperating (classroom) teacher and the university supervisor.

Student candidates who want to be a part of Student Teaching must complete the following requirements prior to March 1 of the year before the date student teaching is to begin. Applicants must…

  1. Be admitted to the Teacher Education Program,
  2. Complete required Education courses with e-portfolio assessed,
  3. Maintain a 2.75 cumulative GPA,
  4. Earn a “C” or higher grade in all required Education classes,
  5. Complete a successful practicum or internship,
  6. Remove incomplete grades in required Education courses or other courses. If completion of an incomplete grade is pending, submit a plan for completion before participation in student teaching.
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closeup of student sitting at desk in classroom

Completed Secondary Education Degree Teacher Licensure Application

At the close of their final semester, students normally apply to the state for licensure. Teaching certificates are then issued by Iowa to applicants who meet these requirements:

  1. A cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or higher and “C” or higher grades in all education courses
  2. Specific program completion with a “Pass” grade for student teaching
  3. Completion of program surveys and assessments
  4. Successful completion of e-portfolio
  5. A university recommendation.

When planning to teach in a state other than Iowa, students will plan their programs in accordance with the requirements of the other state. They will in turn be recommended by the university for those certificates for which they qualify.

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Tuition & Aid

99% of students on the Lamoni campus receive financial aid.

As you consider college, you want a simple, easy-to-understand formula designed to ensure that the one-of-a-kind Graceland Experience is within reach for your family. Undergraduate tuition includes our unique Transformational Leadership major, and we offer generous financial aid and scholarships to all of our students, making Graceland as affordable, if not moreso, than most public universities.

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