Associate Dean for Undergraduate Nursing Programs and Associate Professor of Nursing
MSN, Missouri Western State University
BS, Missouri Western State University
PhD, Nursing Science, University of Kansas Medical Center
Office: 816.423.4684
Independence Campus
Elise Hector received a bachelor of science degree from Missouri Western State University. She followed with earning a Master of Science in Nursing Education from Missouri Western State University and earned her PhD in Nursing Research from the University of Kansas, focusing on education theory research.
A Certified Pediatric Nurse, Elise has spent her nursing practice career at Children’s Mercy Hospital and is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society.
Two professional practice courses on Pediatric Nursing that are approved for continuing nursing education credits have been authored by Elise in 2016 and 2017, and she presented a poster at the Midwest Nurse Educators Conference in 2017.
Elise’s interest lies in promoting nursing as a distinct discipline, separate from other healthcare disciplines.
Thus, I believe nursing education should be distinct and tailored to our profession rather than an extension of medicine,