Associate Professor of Business
BS, Graceland University
MBA, University of Texas
Office: 641.784.5348
Briggs Hall
Briggs Hall 115
Max Pitt teaches Business Administration, Agricultural Business, and Accounting. He applies experiences in education, leadership, banking, business, and service to create whole persons, to develop ethical organizations, and to build healthy communities.
From Business Ethics to Managerial Accounting and from Sustainable International Agriculture to Seminar in Business Policy, Max Pitt professes academic theories that he put into practice in banking and community service. He also professes the “practices” of ethical, successful organizations and communities in the classroom. Max Pitt values transformational education.
In a balanced environment of concern and discipline, students develop confidence, wholeness, knowledge, and ethical resolve into wisdom. Transformational, educational experiences create new potential for the student to live with deeper purpose and greater productivity.
The individual’s wholeness, purpose, and productivity create success for them and their families. The informed, whole person can organize and associate with others to maintain ethical standards of fairness, respect, and justice for others. The resulting relationships can develop into effective, healthy communities.