Admissions Advisor

Twong Wells

Admissions Advisor


BA, Wellness Programming
BA, Recreation
Health minor

Phone Number

Office: 641.784.5390

Cell Phone Number

Cell: 515.442.5077


Higdon Administration Buildingm, Rm #5

Room Location

Lamoni Campus

Admissions Advisor

While a student at Graceland, Twong Wells enjoyed his time as a member and captain of the football team and also worked in the equipment room as the assistant equipment manager. Upon graduation, Wells spent many years in various management positions developing valuable communication and managerial skills. He was recognized as one of the top property managers in just his first year at Extra Space Storage.

Eventually, Wells and his family decided to relocate to Lamoni, IA. He is currently working towards his master’s degree as he continues to help students and families become the next generation of Gracelander’s. Wells enjoys helping students and families as much as possible with the hopes of seeing those students earn their degrees.

In his leisure time, Wells enjoys fishing, cooking and spending time with his wife and two daughters. His positive outlook on life has made him be a joy to work with and be around.

I believe that everyone has a purpose and while they are all different, none are more important than the other.