Housing Request Form

New students: get your request in as soon as you can.

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Housing Request

Residence Life believes that a significant portion of a student’s learning happens outside of the classroom. As part of living in the residence halls, being a member of the housing system and sharing your space with a roommate, our goal is that you will gain the following skills through your experience.

  • Understand how your individual behavior impacts others and yourself both positively and negatively.
  • Effectively communicate face-to-face, even through conflict.
  • Have increased self-awareness and the ability to articulate your needs to others in an appropriate way.
  • Be open to living with people who are different from you and expand your world view.
  • Develop the ability to self-advocate on issues that impact you directly.
If you live within 45 miles of Lamoni, you have the option to live at home with a parent or legal guardian and commute to your classes. Although we strongly believe in the personal growth, social connections, and increased support for academic success by living on-campus, we understand that living at home may be the best option for you. Restrictions apply. To qualify, you must download and fill out the Lamoni Vicinity Exception form.

The Housing Request Form is for new students only. Returning students should fill out the housing request form as directed by Residence Life at the end of the school year.

Housing Request Form (my Graceland Login Required)
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Questions or Concerns?

If you have questions about your housing request, please contact:

Morgan Diaz
Director of Residence Life