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Clubs & Organizations / Student Involvement

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Get Involved

Graceland University has over 30 clubs and organizations for students. There’s something for everyone! Did you know belonging to something significant and worthwhile is a key component to satisfaction in college? Clubs and organizations are primarily student initiated and student-driven. It is very possible that if you have a special interest, there is already a club or organization devoted to that area.

Interested in starting a group? Simply find a sponsor and contact the Student Activities office. The Council of Student Life Committee meets weekly to approve charters.

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Clubs and Organizations by category

*Note on reading: the sponsor is listed after the club or organization’s name.

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students participate in intramurals outside on campusIntramurals

Graceland intramurals is a student life program that offers recreational activities to all eligible students in order to promote community physically, socially and culturally through sports participation.

Here at Graceland, we offer a variety of sports that students can participate in. These include and are not limited to:

  • Basketball
  • Dodgeball
  • Flag Football
  • Jack and Jill Soccer
  • Softball
  • Volleyball
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